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Baptize me. Now that reconciliation is possible, if we're gonna heal, let it be glorious. One thousand girls raise their arms. Do you remember being born? Are you thankful? Are the hips that cracked, the deep velvet of your mother, and her mother, and her mother?

There is a curse that will be broken.

Beyoncé's POV

I drove back to my house and found his car in the driveway. I sighed and got my self together and made my way to the door. Before I even could put the keys in the door swung open and there stood before me, my husband, the one I truly loved, the one I let put a baby in side of me just to push out and rasies together. The man I married. Jay-z.

"We need to talk." We both said at the same time as he let me in closing the door. He led me to the couch and he sat down facing me.

"Look..I know for the last pass days we have been on rocky roads. Baby that is the media, you can't always believe what you see." He held my hand.

He had a point but again. I'm Beyoncé Giselle goddamn Knowles-Carter and what you ain't gonna do is tell me that you wasn't with Becky and enjoyed every last big of it. Did you not see his face?!

"I know... And that's why I'm here to forgive you. I know people don't like us together baby they are just jealous."

"That's why you don't believe every thing the media conveys... We are married with my baby blue." He pulled me in his lap and kissed my head. " That girl ment nothing to me baby. I knew i was coming home to a beautiful wife and child. What more can i ask for? We have been to get her for lord knows how long. We will make it baby girl."

I would not be the woman I am if I did not go home to that man. It just gives me such a foundation. He has helped me on so many levels. We were friends first, for a year and a half, before we went on any date. On the phone for a year and a half. And that foundation is so important in a relationship. And just to have someone that you just like is so important. And someone that is honest. He told me the truth...that's all that matters.

People tell me all the time, it takes a special kind of man to be with a woman who has her own, and it takes a special kind of man to not feel insecure by a woman who is doing her own thing. You know? So, one of the things that made me want to be with him is we spent so much time talking, and he always made me feel like he was OK with me being me. As an artist and just as a woman. Obviously I'm a strong woman in a lot of ways... I'm not a strong woman in every way. I don't want to make it seem like I am some superhero because I'm not, but I do know that it takes a certain kind of guy. And time will tell if Jay is that kind of guy, because it's definitely not easy.

"I love you baby" he smiled at me holding me in his arms." I love you to daddy..." I pecked his lips and watched TV.

Brianna's POV

"Whattttttt...what do you want damn...WHAT?!" she seemed agervated I just threw my hands up walking in the kitchen to get some water and when I came back I couldn't believe my eyes...

They was tounging each other down I mean like...

"YO!" they both jumped and Amirah feel on the floor

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"YO!" they both jumped and Amirah feel on the floor.

"It isn't what it looks like." Jada ran her fingers through her hair. I just laughed. I mean she was gonna do it one day...

"We...nothing happens I have a boyfriend.." Amirah got up and walked out the door and I looked at jada who had her face in her hands.

"Awww is my little jadawada aggravated cause she don't have a lover.." I messed her hair and she slapped it away. I laughed.

"Don't worry you will be with somebody... I can feel it babe.." I held her and played in her hair. She's never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend... She's just has been lonely..


When a nigga just wanna watch the news for the weather and shit but Orlando is all what they talking bout... I mean I do feel bad about those people who were in that club at the time but please....just tell me the weather and traffic....😑😑😑 ~JadaTamiaMaraj 💖

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