Part 4

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I sat with my back against the tree. The growling noises got closer; as I got colder and my breathing got more laboured.

"Percy." I called out weakly.

"Sam!" I heard Percy call. His voice was very quiet. I just had to stay awake long enough for him to find me.

I turned my head to the right, and caught a glimpse of something circling me.

"Sam." I heard again; this time closer. I wanted to call back, but I was worried about getting more than Percy's attention. My eyes started to close.

Come on Sam, I thought to myself. Stay awake.

"Sam." An urgent voice said next to me shaking me slightly. I looked over.

"Percy." I whispered.

"What happened?" He whispered back. Beside him his sword glowed faintly.

"We have to go. Their is something else out there." I whispered. Percy looked around.

"Can you walk?" He asked. I shook my head. "Okay." He mumbled. He slipped a hand under my knee's and the other around my back. He lifted me up slowly and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down quickly and picked up his sword.

"Okay." He said with more confidence. We walked forward for a couple minutes before, we heard a branch snap behind us. Percy turned around, and we were face  to face with a giant ant.

"Oh shit." I mumbled. Percy held his sword more firmly and slowly backed up. The ant, jumped at us. Percy slashed at it, and dropped me. I cried out in pain, but he didn't seem to notice. Percy slashed and stabbed with lighting speed, and eventually the ant disappeared.

"Sorry." Percy said picking me up again.

"Its okay." I said quietly. As we walked I fell asleep in his arms, to the sound of his fast steps, and heart beat.


When I woke up I was in the infirmary again. My leg was wrapped up in bandages, but it didn't really hurt. Percy wasn't anywhere in sight, only a blonde guy at the end of the room rolling bandages. I debated for awhile if I should say anything, but I figured he probably doesn't bite.

"Hi." I said. Blonde guy turned around.

"Hey, your finally awake. I'm Will." He said.

"I'm Samantha."

"I know." Will said walking over to the side of my bed. "Your leg seems to be healing fine, and nothing else seems too problematic, so if you want I can help you back to your cabin. I sent Percy there to get some sleep, and told him if you woke up I'd send you his way."

"Yeah sure." I said. He helped me stand up then gave me some crutches.

"Your leg should be better soon, I would give you more ambrosia, but you've had a lot over the last couple days. So your just going to be stuck like this for a couple of days." 

We walked out of the infirmary and headed towards cabin three. Will left me at the door. I opened it quietly and walked in. My camo jacket was washed and on my bed next to my backpack and headphones. The cabin was dark and Percy was passed out on his bed, drooling in his sleep. I sat down on the edge of the bunk and leaned my head against the pole. Percy mumbled things in his sleep and rolled around. Someone else opened the door quietly and peaked in briefly. It was his girlfriend. She saw me then closed the door again.

"No!" Percy screamed sitting up quickly in is bed. He hit his head and the bed above him and groaned.

"Hey." I said. Percy looked over and smiled. He crawled out of bed and sat next to me in mine.

"Your awake, I was worried."

"The blonde girl, Annabeth peaked in for a second. When did she get back?" I asked.

"I didn't know she was back." Percy said confused. He looked down and saw my leg wrapped up. "Hows your leg?"

"Fine. Maybe you should go find Annabeth, I'm just going to stay here and get settled in I guess."

"Yeah sounds good." Percy said standing up. "See you later." He left the cabin, I flopped backwards only to hit my head on the wall. 

"Ow." I mumbled, I adjusted my self so I was actually lying down normally on the bed, I found my phone. Sadly it didn't have an service but I still had my music. I plugged my headphones in, turned the music on, and enjoyed my rock music. Eventually I fell asleep.

I was in a dark room. Again. The room felt creepy and unnatural. I took a few steps forward to discover I was knee deep in water.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself. A torch appeared in front of me, illuminating the darkness.

"Hell,  not exactly." A deep voice said.

"Go away!" I shouted. "You killed my mother."

"I suppose, I did that." The voice whispered in my ear. I turned around. But no one was there. "I could fix that." I turned around again. This time there was a man beside the torch, he had blonde hair, and I could see yellow glowing eyes peering through the shadows on his face.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Chaos." He said.

"Where am I?"

"Some call it The Void. I call it a little bit of me. The Gap."

"Is any of that supposed to mean anything to me?"

"Shut up. You ask too many questions. Now if you heard me earlier, I can bring your mother back." My hand started shaking , or maybe it was just the ground.

"She's dead, you can't bring her back."

"I was the beginning of everything, I can bring her back with the snap of my fingers."

"What do you want?" I said making the ground shake harder.

"Destroy the camps, then I'll bring your mother back."

"No." I said. "They haven't done anything wrong." I thrusted my hand towards him and rocks shot up at him hitting him in the face. He growled.

"Well, thats too bad, because you've already started destroying the one your at." He said with a smile. He snapped his fingers and I woke up too Percy shaking me.

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