Part 10

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I woke up once again feeling dizzy and with a  headache, probably from the loss of blood. It was dark in the cabin, and I heard the gentle sound of the others breathing. Everyone was sleeping except for me. I lifted me head up and looked around, I was on the bed and Percy was sleeping with his head on the edge. I propped myself up on my elbows, and winced. I sat up and leaned against the wall. I was wearing the same shirt as earlier. It was covered in dry blood. I pulled the shirt up to look at my stomach the only indication that their was ever anything there was a thin scratch going across my skin.  I checked the stab wound on my side, it was still bleeding a little bit, but it didn't seem as deep as before or as big.

I watched Percy sleep for awhile and I noticed that Cole was passed out a few feet from him, he was lying on his back, with his arm over his face. I lied back down and the bed groaned. Percy's head moved and he looked up. His face was still bruised on one side, and his eye was still a bit swollen but not like earlier.

"Hey." He whispered. "How are you? Do you feel okay?" Percy asked.

"I'm still bleeding." I whispered back lifting up the side of my shirt for him to see. He looked at it, then glanced at Cole.  Percy crawled over to a bag by the wall, and started rummaging through it. He pulled out some gauze and medical tape, then he went to another back and grabbed me a clean shirt. He came back and put the stuff on the bed.

"Think this will help."

"Yeah." I said opening the gauze. I ripped off a piece of tape, and stuck the gauze to my side. I put more tape on it with Percy's help. Percy turned around and I changed my shirt. My hands and my side were still covered in blood but at least I had a clean shirt. It was green with a Minecraft creeper on it.

"I'm sorry." Percy said looking down.

"Don't be, it wasn't you."

"No, but it was. I listened to him, I let him in. I didn't mean to, but I did and I nearly killed you."

"Percy, I've nearly destroyed two camps. It makes sense that you let him in. I heard you talking with him. He made a good point."

"Sam, I should have been in control-"

"It's fine, just stop talking, and go to sleep. You look exhausted."

"I'm fine, Cole is worse off. He passed out. After he did what he could on you, he tried to help my face but he passed out."

"Whatever, I'm going to sleep. I'm still tired, and I have another headache."

"Okay." Percy said resting his head on the edge of my bed, his eyes closed and he was asleep before I could even lie down. I closed my eyes and drifted into a nightmare-ish sleep.


"Join me or die." Chaos said calmly staring at me with his yellow eyes.

"No." I replied. We were in the dark room again, with one torch between us.

"I can give you more power than you can possibly imagine."

"I have more power than you can possibly imagine." I said harshly. "You told me that. I don't need anything that you can give me."

"I can bring your mother back."

"Haven't we been through that already. You won't and you can't." I said with a sad smile.

"You mock me, you will pay for that." Chaos growled

"Yeah, yeah, you'll kill me. Blah blah blah. I get it, I really do. If you were going to kill me you would've done it by now. So why am I still alive?"

"I could kill you now." He said stepping close to me. "But I still need you, stupid prophecy."

"What's the prophecy?"

"Has no one told you?" He asked with a smile.

"All I know is that I'm either going to save everyone or kill everyone, and I have no idea why it has to be me." I said.

"Hmm, thats all they've told you. Well their is a lot more than that." Chaos said. He looked around briefly like someone was talking to him. "Well, it seems that our time is up for now, we shall talk later." The dark room disappeared and I woke up. 


The sun was beginning to rise, and for once I was the first one awake. I sat up and quietly crawled out of bed. I crept out of the cabin and watched the sunrise. Beautiful colors, of orange and red, danced along the horizon. The light shined through the tree's and made the water sparkle. I sat on one of the rocks on the edge of the creek. The sun slowly rose and something splashed in the creek, behind me birds were chirping.

If only things could stay like this forever.  I thought to myself. Behind me a branch snapped and I shot around. Cole was standing there, his expression said that he just got caught.

"What? Were you trying to sneak up on me?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said with a sly smile, he walked closer and sat down next to me on the rock. 

"Good Morning." I said looking back at the sunrise.

"Is it?" He asked.

"Yes." I said not looking at him.


"Because its so calm and peaceful, and no one that we know has died yet."

"True." He said. "At least for now."

"Why do you say that?" I asked looking at him.

"You can never know what will happen." He said. Cole leaned closer to me and we kissed.

"What was that for?" I asked pulling away from him.

"I like you, and I wanted to do that before you tried dying again."

"Why do you think I'm going to die today?"

"Because Chaos wants to kill you, and he tends to get want he wants."

"He's not going to kill me." I said. 

"How do you know?" He asked.

"Instinct." I said kissing him.

"Hey earthquake girl." Leo said behind us.

"Earthquake girl?"

"Yeah, cause you shake the earth and stuff."

"Well, it seems to be more than you can do." I stated. Leo smiled, then his hand was on fire. "Impressive." I said.Suddenly he was completely on fire.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked. Leo patted himself out.

"Oops." He said, sitting down beside me.

"Does that happen often?" I asked.

"Sometimes." Leo said making a face.

"How come your clothes didn't burn up?" Cole asked.

"My girlfriend, Calypso made them, some sorta fire resistant thing."Leo said. Slowly one by one the others came outside and sat on the rocks with us. Everyone was silent until Annabeth started talking. She was sitting on a tall rock with Percy by her feet.

"I think I have a plan." She finally said. "Their base is a Walmart, not far from here. It has three doors, the front door, back door and side door. Percy, Sam,  Jason and Hazel will go through the front doors first causing a distraction, they will attack anyone in their to them, then Piper, Leo, and Frank will go through the back doors,, and make their way through the store while guarding the back, and Cole, Calypso, and me will sneak in through the side door, we'll sneak around and get anyone trying to get out."

"Sounds reasonable." Cole said. "When do we leave?"

"When the sun starts to set. We'll use the darkness to our advantage."

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