Part 7

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I sat next Percy on the ground. I was wearing Franks brown sweater that was extremely big on me. Percy sat with his head on his knees.

"I don't know what to say to you. The others wanted me to talk but I don't know how." I started. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"  Percy turned his head and looked at me.

"I drowned five people. I knew them, and I killed them because they were trying to hurt us. I lost control and a wave showed up and just wiped them out. I'm not sure how long, but Jason shook me, and I dropped the wave and they were dead." Percy said. "How are you okay with hurting all those people?"

"It wasn't me, I never wanted to hurt them."

"I never wanted to hurt them either." Percy wiped his eyes. "I never... We can't listen to him, Sam."

"Him?" I asked.

"Chaos." Percy said staring into my eyes. "We can't listen to him. He is manipulating us, making us lose control. You can control your powers, and your stronger than me. Okay? Just don't listen to him. He is a liar, and we can't listen to him."

"Okay." I said. "But, what is he telling you?" Percy looked down at the ground.

"It doesn't matter." He said. "We should get going, get some supplies and you some shoes." Percy stood up and walked over to Jason.

"You good, man?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"I will be." Percy said. I stood up and my head started throbbing.

"Ugh." I groaned.

"What is it?" Percy asked.

"Its just my head, its nothing."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. The five of us started walking, when Jason started talking.

"We are going to meet up with the others at the rendezvous point."

"The others?" I asked.

"Piper, Annabeth, Leo and Calypso. once we meet up with them we will figure out the rest of the plan." Jason said cheerfully.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"He hasn't seen his girlfriend in a while." Frank said.

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, Piper. She's awesome." Jason said. Suddenly a branch snapped behind me, and someone crashed into me, knocking me onto my face.

"Ow, what the hell?" I complained, trying to get up but the person was still on top of me.

"Sorry, sorry." He said helping me up. The stranger had intense blue eyes and shaggy light brown hair, and he was wearing a dark blue hoodie, with jeans and sneakers.

"What do you think our doing running into me like that?" I snapped brushing the leaves of of my sweats.

"I was running away from something." He said. 

"Running away from what?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"Well, it had lots of heads, and it was kinda dragon like."

"Whats your name?" Percy asked.


"Well, Cole I think your going to come with us."


"Cause your describing a Hydra and I really don't feel like dealing with one of those right now."

"Your demigods?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, now come on. Before it shows up or Sam hurts you." Percy said. Cole looked at me and I gave him a smirk. We walked through the tree's with me and Cole at the back and Percy in front of us.

"Do you even know where we are going?" Cole asked.

"Yes." Hazel said looking back at Cole.

"Okay." Cole mumbled. "So... I'm just going to go right ahead and assume your Sam." Cole said to me.

"Yep." I grumbled. I really wished he would stop talking, my headache was getting worse and he was not helping with all his jibber-jabber. 

"Who is your godly parent?" Cole asked me.

"As much as I would love to talk to you. Please-Shut-Up." I snapped. Percy glanced at me, and I rubbed my head. He nodded in understanding. We kept walking and my head throbbed with each step.

At around noon, my feet were numb but we could see the others in the distance. They were on the edge of the highway, and I could clearly make out four people. Annabeth, a girl with long dark hair, a girl with darker skin, and a guy with darker skin, and curly hair. Annabeth saw Percy in the distance and ran out to meet him. They hugged without saying a word, then they looked at each other and kissed.

"Whats wrong?" Annabeth asked Percy.

"Nothing now." Percy said. The other three came up, and Frank and Hazel talked to Leo, and Calyspo. While Jason, and Piper had a similar, hugging and kissing greeting.

"Ugh, I think I'm going to avert my eyes from all of their coupley-ness." Cole said looking at me, I glared and him and wandered off. I walked over to a big tree, and sat in the shade. Cole being the stubborn idiot that he is, chose to follow me and sat next to me.

"Go away." I complained.

"You look tired, maybe you should get a nap." Cole said.

"Exactly, I'm tired and I have a headache. So go away." I said gently.

"You are so stubborn, how bout you take a nap on my shoulder?"

"I don't even know you. And me stubborn. Your the stubborn one, you won't go away."

"Alright, you want to know about me. My name is Cole Smith, I'm 15. I am the son of Hecate. I can do magic and stuff its kinda cool, and if you don't go to sleep, I will make you sleep. Also my favorite color is white."

"White? Why?"

"I will tell you, but first you are going to take a nap."

"Fine, I mumbled grumpily. "But not on you, the ground is soft and comfy. You are just annoying." I curled up on the ground and closed my eyes.

"You are so stubborn." He mumbled. I drifted off, when I woke up the sun was setting and my headache was gone. The others were around a small fire, eating supper. I walked over and sat next to Cole. He gave me a smirk and handed me some food. It was some sort of meat on a stick. I nibbled at it. Whatever it was it was good.

"So whats next?" I asked.

"Well, we are going to get out of the woods and get supplies and shoes for you at the store we plan on breaking into." Annabeth explained

"What store are we breaking into?"

"Whatever store is closest." Annabeth said taking a bite out of her meat.

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