Part 11

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Percy, Jason, Hazel and I walked into the front doors of the Walmart. The store was dark, and eerily quiet.

"Helloooo?" Percy called out. The lights flashed on, and a bunch of monsters were standing waiting for us.

"Hello." Something hissed. "The sstore isss clossed."

"Oh we know." Jason said. Percy pulled a pen out of his pocket, and clicked it. Then of course it turned into a sword.

"Demigodss." The snake lady hissed. "We've been expecting you." Percy swung at the snake lady, and chopped her in half. She turned to dust and the crowd of monster's attacked. Hazel pulled out a sword, and Jason flipped his coin. Percy closed his eyes and Hazel covered him. The wind started to pick and and Percy started to make a miniature hurricane in the store, I helped him, and Jason started shooting lightning bolts at the monsters

I could tell in the distance that Frank, Leo and Piper had entered the building because some of our monsters broke off out of the group and headed towards the back of the store. I saw something big and scaly breathing fire in the back of the store. 

Our hurricane died down, and Percy attacked the monsters like a beast. I was at a disadvantage, I didn't have any weapons apart from my powers, and I'm not supposed to do any earthquakes. I saw something white in the corner of my eye. I turned my head and saw a women in  white dress, with long brown hair in a pony tail.

"Mom?" I said, walking towards the aisle. The women turned her head, towards me then ran off. I followed her weaving through the aisles. She disappeared and I couldn't find her. I ran down a aisle and crashed into Cole.

"Wow, easy tiger." He said catching me.

"Where is Annabeth and Calypso?" I asked looking around.

"They got captured, I was coming to find you, to tell the others."

"What happened? How did you get away? You don't look hurt at all." I said. Cole looked perfectly fine, not even out of breath. The only thing different was that he had a weapon, a spear.

"I'm sorry."Cole said.

"Sorry for what?" I asked confused. Cole pointed his spear at me, then his eyes turned yellow. His face twisted into a snarl.

"I believe he is sorry about the fact that I am going to kill you." Chaos said. I guess he could read my shock across my face because he kept on talking. "He liked you, just so you know. He's been watching you for months. He works for me though and you were just a mission." I snapped out of my shock.

"So are you going to kill me?" I asked trying not to sound too upset.


"Then get on with it, don't play with your food." I said. He smiled and shot a red light out of his hand at me, I dodged it, and knocked him over with a wave of water. He got up and twirled his spear around like a light saber, I looked around and grabbed a shovel off of the shelf. He stabbed at me with the spear and I blocked it with the shovel. I swung the shovel at him and he ducked jabbing the spear towards my stomach, I jumped back.

"Sam!" I heard Percy call in the distance. It distracted me and Chaos hit me in the head with the blunt side of his spear knocking me to the ground. He pointed the spear at me, and I threw my shovel at him. It hit him in the stomach giving me enough time to get up, I stared at him. He pointed his spear at me, and I did what any logical person would do, I turned around and ran. Chaos threw his spear and it grazed my arm.

"Come back here, Coward." He screamed after me, I heard his fast footprints behind me, and I turned down as many aisles that I could to hopefully throw him off my trail. I could see that Frank, Leo and Piper had met up with my group, and that Annabeth and Calypso were with him. I figured if I could keep Chaos occupied they stood a chance against the monsters. I wove down more aisles until, I was stuck in dead end.

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