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Hey guys! So for any of you that read my author's notes, you probably saw my one a while back about all the new books I was planning on putting out on the website. You've also probably seen none of them be put out. BUT GOOD NEWS, GUYS! I actually got off my stagnant, doesn't-normally-do-anything ass and decided to turn what only I can read into something you can read too.

If you didn't get the notification because you only read my books and don't follow me, I just put out "Playing Strangers (Brendon Urie/Panic! At The Disco FanFic)". I'm a little unsure about it, but who knows? Maybe once things get rolling I'll feel more confident in it. If you want to check it out, you know where to find it: my page, clicking the external link, or going to this address right here:


Thank you guys so much for being such awesome readers and followers. I know I've said this way too many times, but I honestly wouldn't be the writer I am today without you. I hope you like the new book if you decide to check it out and I hope you have a good rest of the day!


Homewrecker With A Heart Of Gold (Patrick Stump FanFic ft. Zack Merrick)Where stories live. Discover now