Orlando Shooting

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First of all, what is wrong with you America?
I don't understand how there can be so much hate in the world. How can one person have enough hate in them to attack a gay bar when we have done nothing to you?
I used to think America was getting better, I could be open about my sexuality, but now I know that's not true. Why can someone think is their right to kill people or hurt them for being open about who they are?
People are saying Isis claimed the attack so it's not a big deal, but it is. If someone has the audacity to do the biggest mass shooting in America, how can anyone even leave their house?
Why would anyone even leave their house? This shooting shows that humans are monsters, if we can kill and attack random people, how are we safe living life?
With so much hate in the world, happiness is going to be gone. Everyone just wants to be put on top of the other person. We want rights, we want fairness, but it can't be fair because of how judgemental we all are.
I'm honestly angry that us, as Americans can still follow blindly.
If you don't support people being open about who they are, shooting up a bar isn't the way to fix it and you are the fucking issue.
But I guess when they said 'Be yourself.' It didn't include being gay.

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