Chapter 2

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I have a geography exam today! I've revised so much so I'm hoping that I do okay ^-^

Phil woke up to his mum shaking him. He groaned as the light hit his tired eyes, just wanting to spend another million years in bed. "5 more minutes." He ended up groaning, rolling over so that he was facing the wall instead of his mum.

"Phil, do you not remember what we planned to do? We're meant to be going shopping! Martyn's been ready for at least half an hour so come on! Get moving!" Phil's mum responded, folding her arms to show that she meant business.

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes, you do."


"Phil, where are you going?" Martyn asked, folding his arms as Phil left his bedroom. "It's midnight."

"I am aware." Phil responded, pulling on his pink jumper and then tidying up his hair. "I'm just going out." Phil shoved his hands into his jean pockets, looking down at his pale white shoes.

"Where? I'll tell mum." Martyn threatened, folding his arms and raising his right eyebrow.

"No, you wouldn't dare."

"Then tell me where you're going."

"For a walk. Like last night."

"You need sleep. You stayed up late last night."

"I'll be fine." Phil flashed Martyn a quick smile before walking out the front door and lightly closing it behind him. He followed his street down in the same direction as the night before until he reached the familiar hill. He secretly hoped that Dan would be there again but, sadly, he wasn't. In his place was an empty patch of grass. Phil frowned but decided to take a seat anyway.

He completely understood why Dan liked to lay there. It was because it was calm and beautiful. The stars were so clear in the sky and it had an amazing atmosphere. Phil just felt calm and relaxed.

It was as if, just by laying on a hill in the night, Phil's problems could immediately be forgotten.

When roughly an hour had passed, Phil stood up. He looked around him for a moment, just taking in the emptiness before slowly strolling down the hill. Once he reached the bottom, he bent down to pick another daisy and smiled to himself, fiddling with the flower in his hands.

Phil really did love his new home, it was peaceful and the whole town seemed lovely and kind which was everything Phil dreamed of. There had been multiple issues in his old town because people used to think he was slightly crazy and quite a lot of people called him 'gay' more than a few times. (It was true but they said it in a nasty way).

So far, he only had Dan as a friend here and they had only met once which was hardly a friendship but it was better than nothing. Dan was really kind and amazing.

Phil made a mental note to explore tomorrow during a normal time so he could meet more people.


At around ten in the morning, Phil excitedly jumped out of bed, despite the strong urge to lay back down and sleep for longer. He walked over to his tall wardrobe before flicking through its contents to find the most appealing outfit.

He ended up deciding on a soft, lilac jumper and pale jeans. It was his favourite outfit so it reflected his personality quite a lot. Phil twirled in front of the mirror, a grin breaking out onto his face as he realised he looked cute. Cute was what Phil aspired to be.

There was, however, one thing missing. Phil reached out and picked up his favourite accessory up from his bedside table and balanced it on top of his dark hair. His flower crown. "Perfect." He mumbled to himself, smiling at his reflection in the mirror. "Time to make some friends!"

Flower Crowns and Stars. Phan AUWhere stories live. Discover now