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Aphmau pressed her forehead against Travis's. He licks his lips and stares intently at her.
Travis: heyyy Aphmau...
Aphmau blushes hard. Garroth stands there in disgust. He runs up to Travis and pishes him to to the wall.
Garroth: Your not gonna touch her...even if its the last thing you do...i mean it!
Travis: who says?
Garroth: I DO!!!
Garroth lets go of Travis and goes to Aphmau, takes her hand and gets her dressed.

Aphmau and Laurance have a walk at the park. Laurance grabs her hand and squeezes it tight.
Aphmau laughs silently.
Aphmau: why are you holding my hand, Laurance?
Laurance: Because I love you.
Aphmau: oh...u-uh...
She starts to think. Her heart races. She holds his hand tighter and breathes in. And then sighs.
Aphmau: ok...
Laurance gives Aphmau a warm smile. But She kept thinking about Travis. Her hands shake as she wanted to love him again. He had a gentle but rough touch, which Aphmau kind of liked about him. Then, Laurance sits down on a bench, swings Aphmau on his lap, and puts his forehead to hers like Aphmau did to Travis.
Aphmau: um....let go Laurance...
Laurance why should I?
Aphmau looks at Laurance and shoves him away. He starts to look worried that maybe she does love him or that Garroth told her something.
Laurance: do you love me Aphmau?
She stood there, with her arms crossed, and turned to look at him.
Aphmau: as a great Boyfriend? I dunno...
Laurance: you consider me as a boyfriend?
Aphmau blushes and hears what he just said.
Laurance shrugs his shoulders and walks with Aphmau again.


Aphmau finally got home and jumped on the couch.
???: Aphmau? Can I have a word with you?
Aphmau instantly got up to see Travis walking, scratching his head, and signaling her to come.
Aphmau: oh ok!
She walks to the kitchen where Travis was sitting down at the dining table drinking hot chocolate.
Travis: Do you...wanna...um well...Aphmau do you wanna go out sometime?
Aphmau: ...
Travis: n-no pressure! If you were! I just wanted to know.
Aphmau hugs Travis and kisses him on the cheek.
Aphmau: I'll think about....Tractor...! Heehee!
Travis: HEY!!!
Aphmau runs away from Travis while laughing under her breath.

Aphmau got really tired from running around, trying to get Travis to confess Tractor is his name. But she ended up getting tired. She got into her sleepwear and jumped into her bed. But later, like an hour later, something warm trapped her. She went closer to it and then turned around to see Travis holding her in bed. His hair was mixed into hers. His warm Embrace around her. Making her feel comfortable.
Travis: let me love you Aphmau...
Aphmau: Travis...?

Sorry I hadn't posted in awhile. I was doing something important. So i mad this longer than the others that I made. Again I apologize. I will post more soon...

Garroth X Aphmau X LauranceWhere stories live. Discover now