Ethan's breakdown

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*Ethan's P.O.V*
I didn't dare to open to read it so I just looked at the front of it and my name was written I big letters with loads of kisses and hearts around it. But I wanted to wait until the rest of the Sidemen came home.

They finally came home and told them but I told them I haven't read the letter and was waiting for them. They all just looked at me. We sat down in the kitchen and I didn't have the strength to read it. I gave it to Simon to read. When Simon mentioned about her joining the army I was trying to hold back tears but I failed and they all came flooding out. He read it to the end and gave it to me. I hugged it tight and it still smelt of that Victoria's Secret perfume I got her.

All of the Sidemen now didn't want me to do anything so they always had one person in the house at all times if I was there. I notice she took the photos of us and the little toy I won at Thorpe Park. I picked up my phone and was going through all of the photos of us together I just kept on going through them. Most of them were just pictures of her taking selfies when she got hold of my phone. But my favourite one was both of us standing in front of my mirror and I had my arms around her waist and kissing her on the neck while she was holding the phone in one hand and the other was on the back of my head.

I looked at the photo for about 20 mins and playing back the memories of both of us together. I saw a tear drop onto my screen and I wiped it away but I fell onto her face so that made me cry even more. I didn't want to think of her out there risking her life for my freedom.

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