The new book!

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Yes! Finally some freaking info! I know, I've been teasing you guys xD . Not really , anyways! The new story will be coming out soon! I can't give the exact date but some where's around this week or next week, who knows. The story is called ' Bittersweet Tragedy ' . I'm really excited for this book because I picked a genera I'm not really familiar writing but so far i think it's coming out pretty well. You guys have seen some what of the characters because of my dumb stupidity move I made, which btw , not fun 😒. Anyways, I just wanted to inform you that the new book is coming out soon and it's getting closer until I publish it. I'm pretty sure no one really gives a shit but , I do because again I've never wrote a book with passion, other than this one but this new book is where I really poured out my creativity and heart into and I just hope you respect that. I also just want people to know that I will be trying to reach my goal of one hundred chapters on this book! So if I keep updating a lot , I'm just really trying to reach it xD . I would give the genera but it's something I want to surprise you guys with, again given the fact it's my first time writing a book about that kind of stuff. The characters are based off fictional characters , obviously. This has nothing, I repeat , NOTHING to do with me. The only characters I decided to just play the part is my best friend isabella122112 , and an old friend of mine and my cousins Jayjay! ( im only using his nickname because I don't know if he'd allow me to use his real name 😊) i just felt like putting these people because I feel like they'd play the part well. The main character that is playing the part is not me. It is a girl, who I cannot mention because she asked me not to, but I thought she'd play this part extremely well. I just wanted to put that out there because I didn't want people asking me if this ever happened to me nor if this character is the person I play. This story is a Fictional story, based off of fictional events. Nothing real about it. The characters I created and there back stories really gave me stress but I'm very proud of how much work and heart I'm putting into this book. I just don't want to screw it up, because I always ruin a good moment with my awkward self 💁🏼. So, that is all I have to say and hopefully you guys check out the book when it's published. The prologue, and story title was an inspiration from Melanie martinez's song ' Bittersweet Tragedy' because it really gave me the feels so check that song out , which I put at the top^^^^ . So the prologue, also gives you an idea on how this story is kinda going to play out and how much of a roller coaster ride it is, as well as the mood swings in this story. I spent a very long time writing the prologue, and I'm very proud of it , so yeah. That is all I have to say and until next chapter ,that is actually the story, 😂 BYE LOVIES!!❤️

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