Wedding and maid of honor dresses! And the fuck is going on?!?!?

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YASS!! Ok I had so much fun writing this cause I got to find some pretty dresses. Also this is what Tyler is wearing for the day ^^^. Anyways, Hopefully you guys enjoy!! And sorry it's been a few days since I've updated, I've been...gone...😳 anyways Carry on!

" Tyler! You ready "!! I hear Emma yell from down stairs. " coming "!! I yell back as I put my shoes on. As I was grabbing my bag I got a call from Tina. I answer quickly as I start walking down stairs. " Tyler! I have some great news "!! She says as Emma rolls her eyes playfully and walks to the car as I follow. " what?! What happened"?! I ask, getting anxious. " the walking dead premiere is in a week! You're invited since you're going to be in the show as well as doing there makeup! Bring your family!! "! She says as I squeal so loud Emma almost drove off the highway. " jeezus woman!! What the hell"! She yells as she puts a turning signal on. " yes!! Obviously I'll be there! I'll tell them the news later, I'm going dress hunting for Emma's wedding". I say, as I grab a mint from my hand bag and I offer Emma some as she gladly took it. " oh alright! Tell her I say congrats on the engagement and I'll talk to you later Hun"! She says as I say ' bye ' and end the call. " so what was all that about? We practically almost died because of your outburst"? Emma asks as I chuckle and say " well, I'm going to a walking dead premiere!! And you and just everyone is invited"!! I say as Emma says " Oh my god Ty! That's amazing!!..... Wait, but, you're only the makeup stylist". She says as I smile at her and she glances and smirks as she says " Ty... You didn't.... Oh my god you did!! TYLER! Why didn't you tell me, or anyone! This huge "! She says as we park in the parking lot of the store and she hugs me. " I wanted to surprise you but, guess the premiere is starting a little early "! I say as she looks astonished. " Ty! This is... I'm so proud of you"! She says hugging me again as I open the door as she continues to hug me once we're in side. " ok, ok, now let's look for your wedding dress. Today is your day! ". I say as she just laughs and starts looking around. " hey Emma! What about brides maids dresses? Aren't they suppose to be here to"? I ask as se says " yeah, well I wanted today to just be you and me, and tomorrow the brides maids can start picking what style they want ". She says as she looked at a dress and pretty much trying to decide if it's the one, but leaves it cause she didn't like it much than what she thought. " oh ok, any color in specific "? I ask, as she says " you pick whatever since you're maid of honor, but the brides maids, I specifically want them to where the color red". She says, looking at another dress. " ok " I say cheerfully.

It's been around an hour since we've been looking for that one specific dress we want. " holy power puff girl I think I found the one"!! I say, walking up to the rack where the dress hung. I put it in the dressing room and wait for Emma so she can go first for trying on the dresses since she had more on her arm than I did.

" Alright, I'll go try on the first dress, wish me luck". Emma said, looking already stressed out. After a couple of minutes she came out wearing a very pretty dress:

 After a couple of minutes she came out wearing a very pretty dress:

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" w-wow, you look beautiful "! I say, my eyes going wide in surprise. " eh, I don't know, I do t really feel like this is me". She says as I say " well you have more dresses in there, there'll be a perfect one for you ". I say as she nods her head and goes back in to try on the next dress. It took several minutes until she came back out with another pretty dress:

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