It could've been worse

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Im back my little potatoes!!! Hope you guys like this chapter , I'll try to make this funny because like , my brain is just spiraling out of control😌 well read on my little potatoes!!!

I woke up, dreading the memory of what happened last night. ' at least it was Friday ' I say in my head. I got up, and went to go take a shower. About fifteen minutes later, I'm dressed in a tank top, jean shorts , black converse ,a few wrist bands and put my rings on. I blowed dried my hair , and waited about thirty minutes before striating my long ombre' hair. once I did my hair, I put minimal make up, which was just mascara , eyeliner , concealer, and chap stick. I went down stairs to get something to eat cause my stomach kept growling like it was having a world war 3 inside of me!

After a few hours after I ate like 5 waffles , and a whole bunch of bacon, I got a call from Emma. Last night before I went to bed I told Emma the situation. " penguins "! I say in the phone. " hey you want to go out? To just get your mind off things". She said , concerned. " uh.... Sure why not ". I say grinning a bit when Emma squealed. " I'll pick you up in an hour , ok "? She says as I say yes, and hang up. I text my mom letting her know that I was going out with em's . I got my bag and sunglasses since it was sunny out, and waited.

Once I heard a honk I sprinted out the door and closed it behind me. My arms were spread out and said , " oh , the grass , the sun , what a beautiful day"!!!! I say as the neighbors that were outside looked at me weirdly. I got in Emma's car and we took off to the mall. " so , how you feeling "? She asked a bit cautious. " good". I say and turn the music up to Emma's and I's favorite song. It was ' I write sins not tragedies by pan!c at the disco ' . We arrived at the mall, as I got down , I ran to the doors and jumped up and down waiting for Emma to catch up . " some ones happy today". She said panting a bit. " maybe ... Maybe not ". I say looking at random things I don't even know why I was looking at them.

~ a few hours later ~

All day I kept bumping into stuff. Not only did I wake up in a good mood but I became more clumsy and stupid then I usually am.
" bruh! Do we need to teach you how to walk again? Cause you look like a baby trying to take its first steps". She said , looking at me, trying to contain her laugh. " I'm not clumsy , it's just the floor hates me , the tables and chairs are bullies and the wall gets in the freaken way"! I say struggling to get through the aisle . Emma rolled her eyes and said " sure , whatever you say, what do you want me to do , wrestle with them , tell them to back off". She said sarcastically. ' oh hell no, nobody talks to me like that '
" you know what I forgot to tell you, I bought you a cactus for you , oh wait ! You're already a prick ". I say, grinning at my comeback . " oh you little - " she was cut off by a girl , as she came smiling towards us.

' she looks familiar , but then she doesn't , please oh please say your name'!

" hey , what're you guys doing here "? The girl said , smiling . Before Emma even had the chance to reply I decided to be a smart ass which I'll be all day , for revenge reasons 😈. " oh you know, hunting elephants " . I say smugly as Emma elbows me. " um..-" the girl says but Emma swooped in to apologize. " I'm soo sorry about my friend , she's being unusually RUDE, today " she says fake laughing and giving me the ' behave or your dead ' face .
" oh well , I'm Cassie , if you remember , I use to go to school with y'all ". She said , seeing if we remember . That's when a light bulb went off " oh! Your the girl that got pregnant and had to drop out right?! " I said as Emma looked at me . I shrugged and turned back as the girl replied. " yes.. That's me , I guess I will always be known  as that ". She says fake smiling . " I was here to buy some clothes for Ari , yes , my baby is a girl , she's one "! She said excitedly . " awe  , congrats , how did your parents feel about it "? Emma asked interestingly . " they took it really bad , they blocked my credit card, I'm using the little bit of money I saved to buy Ari some clothes ". she said looking at another girl who was holding a baby , which I suspect was Ari . " well if you can't afford condoms then you can't afford kids". I said chuckling a bit when Emma elbowed me hard in the stomach. " OW! What was - " ! I was a interrupted by em's saying " I'm sorry , we have to go... Again I'm so sorry " , " it's fine Emma , bye "! The girl walked off and Emma turned to me " what the hell is wrong with you "! She said sternly. " well, sarcasm falls out of my mouth like stupidity falls out of yours ". I said . She looked at me , the anger overflowing in her face . I smiled as she tried not to punch me. we continued walking , No words , no nothing , we just walked into stores without a word .

We walked into a store , not knowing what it was until I saw it was bath and body works. After a few minutes being in there , Emma and I started playing with the lotion. " we should stop , we're going to get in trouble and possibly be kicked out for vandalizing there stuff ". Emma said looking cautiously. " don't worry , just remember , if we get caught your deaf and I don't speak English ". I say laughing. After a few minutes we walked out without being caught. " see told you we'd be fine". I said as we walked to our next destination. " hey I was wondering if you would like to come to my violin practice today "? Emma asked.
' oh lord half mercy , give me a reason not to go' I say in my mind. I'm not trying to be mean but, she just can't play the violin , I mean it sounds like a walrus is dying from choking on his own food.
" umm. Today oh um , I can't today , my brother's , friend's , mother's , grandpa's, brother's , grandson's , uncle's fish died. And yes , it was a tragic ". I said as we walked out to the parking lot. " if you didn't want to go you could've just told me". She said as she drove off to go drop me off . " what , ptshhhh , please ! I would love to go but like I said, I can't today". I say looking out the window . " ok ". Emma said turning onto my street . " well have fun at your brother's , friend's - I don't know just have fun " she said as I replied with a ' you know it ' and went inside.

As I walked in I heard laughing from the living room. ' ugh! The horror ' I say in my head, dreading to walk passed them. Why did they have to be here today. I peek over to see my brother and his friends watching a movie.
I walk in with confidence and hoping I don't say something stupid. " hiyah " I say as they turned there attention on me. ' ugh! Turn away , only one at a time !! Jeezze '
" hey what up smart ass "! One of my brothers friend said , Jason . " nothing much , you guys"? I asked staring at the tv . " watching a movie". Nick replied. " cool". I say. The room was silent when Peter spoke up and said " so , school "? He asked . I rolled my eyes , knowing I have to go back to that hell hole on Monday . " ugh! The horror. I don't know why we need school, we really don't ". I say . " oh yeah , why?" Jason asked , as they all turned to me to hear a response. " ok ,  Music: we have YouTube for that ! Sports: there's a wii! Spanish: there's Dora! English: EVERYTHING is shortened anyways ( brb , lol , idk etc..)
Math: that's why we have calculators! And History: there all dead anyways ! , my point has been appointed " I say as they were all still giggling. " bro! You told us your sister was a smart ass but you didn't tell us she was this of a smart ass"! Nick said laughing as Christian was getting mad at how I was interrupting his time with his friends. " you have plans tomorrow"? Jason asked as the others were behind him begging me to say yes for whatever they were doing tomorrow , unlike my brother who was giving me death signals . " no , why?" I asked . " we're going to six flags tomorrow , maybe you can join us , maybe make it more fun". He said as the others nodded and Christian was giving me different ways he'd kill me . " sure , what time?" I say as my brother mentally grabbed me around the neck and choked me. " at 11:00am , see you there ". He said as the others did as well excitedly and left. " I . Am . Going . To . Kill. You." Christian said pissed off. " ok " I say sitting there messing with my nails. " I will , I'm going to strangle you" he said trying to get me scared " ha! Alright " I say , not really caring , knowing he won't . " ARGHHGHHGH!!!" He yelled out defeatingly , walking up the stairs and throwing a mini tantrum in his room . I laughed ,
I walked up stairs to go to bed when I still heard some tantrums coming from Christians room . I walked to his door and knocked. " go away!!" He said , throwing something. Probably his phone , again. " what are you doing in there? Pictures won't send to that girl again"? I say smirking knowing he hates it when I make dirty jokes . " stop it that's disgusting , wash that dirty mind of yours"! He said , hearing the anger in his voice. " I don't have a dirty mind.... I have a sexy mind ". I say chuckling while heading back to my room and listening to all my brothers profanities towards me. ' well it could've been worse'

Hi guys , I know I haven't updated in a while , hopefully you guys liked it! Please comment what character is your favorite, is it Tyler? Emma? Or Christian? And tell me why. BYE LOVIES!!!!!! ❤️

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