Premiere night

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Alright so, the two on the top and bottom corners on the left are David's and Tyler's clothes, while on the right side of bottom and top corner is Emma's and Christians clothes. With out further a do, let's get started!
" everyone ready?! The limo is waiting outside for us already "! I say as Emma and Christian come down as I stare in ' awe '. " wow! Emma you look... And "! I say as Emma and Christian chuckle.

" well, let's get going, don't want to be late for your first premiere do you "? David says, holding his arm out for me to grab. " no we do not, let's go "! I say as we walk out to the limo.

" holy shit! I can't do this! What if I can't do this! This is literally going to be the first time I'm actually meeting them! What if they don't like me?! Oh god, oh god , oh god "! I say freaking out as Emma says " Tyler, calm down, you're going to stress yourself out! Look what happened the last time that happened ". She said as David put his hand on top of mine and said " she's right Ty, I don't like seeing you and peanut hurt ". I look at him chuckling. " what the fuck! Peanut? Is that our baby's official name "?! I say as he chuckles and says " for now, but, right now, it's time for you to go out there, and show the world your success, you ready "? He says as I look at Emma and Christian, they were smiling wide, as I smile and say " ready as I'll ever be ".

We walked out of the limo, cameras flashing, as we stepped onto the carpet. " you must be Tyler! It's so nice to finally meet you "! Lauren says, a as she hugs me tightly, I hugged back as I introduce myself and my family. " it's so nice to finally meet you! Such a huge fan as well as my family! This is my brother Christian and my best friend and soon to be sister-in-law Emma, and this is my boyfriend David ". I say as they all shake hands. " well it's nice to meet your family! Come and meet your co-star family "! She says, as we follow her.

Once we introduced our selves we all started to take pictures and do small interviews. We then headed inside to start the premiere. Everything looked amazing as I went backstage with the cast so they can introduce my character and position. Emma, Christian, and David took there seats in the second row, waiting for the whole thing to start. My mom couldn't make it because of clothes she has to design or her career is ruined, but she said she'll be watching me on the live stream.

" welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the season 6 premiere of The Walking Dead! Everyone please give a round a applause for..." They started saying the cast members names, until it was down to me. " now, we have a very new character and member to The Walking Dead family, welcome, Ms. Tyler Delgado "! He says as I walk out nervously, but keep a big smile.

Everything went smoothly, they asked questions,  played a few games and just had a whole lot of fun. After that there was an after party. " care for a drink "? Lawrence asked as I said " no thank you ". I say as she says " oh come on! It's time to celebrate! " she says as I was going to say something but I felt the familiar sensation of throwing up.

" excuse me ". I say, speed walking to the restroom. David followed but I had to, right at the worst moment. I through up in front of paparazzi's! Great! Just what I needed!!

They started taking pictures as David covered me, so they wouldn't take any of me as the questions we being thrown at me. I checked the time and it was 2:00 in the morning! Of course! Morning sickness!!

We went back home after that incident, I just wanted to hang with my family for awhile. I said goodbye to everyone and left. " how're you feeling "? Emma asks, handing me some water. " I'm feeling better, just hate having this every morning ". I say, taking a drink of water. " do you think it's going to be the talk of the week "? She asks concerned " I hope not, but we all know it's going to happen ". I say, rolling my eyes. " well you never know Ty, they'll just probably think it was food poisoning". David says as I look at him and say " no offense David but, there job is to make and sell stories, whether it's true or not, so, they'll just make up a story, that is going to be true"! I say as David comforted me.

We all got ready for bed, and went to our rooms. David and I stayed up to watch a movie. " Tyler, can I ask you something "? David says as I turn my full attention on him. " what do you want, and be honest, a boy or a girl "? He asks as I say " defiantly a boy, why "? I ask as he said " oh, I thought since you're a girl you'd want a girl, which always happens most the time ". He says as I say somewhat confused " do you want a boy or.."? I ask as he says " no matter what gender I'll love them to pieces as you will as well, but, I'm hoping for a girl ". He says blushing. " well that's a first I heard a guy say he want a daughter, but don't feel embarrassed, I find it adorable that you want to be more protective around ". I say, cuddling closer to him. " thanks for not making fun of me ". He says as I kiss his cheek and say " I'd never... That's if we're playing around then I'll tease you ". I say as we both chuckle.

" also, I wanted to know when you wanted to go to New York to find a place, so I can start making the baby room "? He says, nervously. " how about next week? I don't have any plans and you don't have work ". I say as he smiles and say " that's perfect.

We soon fall asleep, letting our dreams come alive.

Ok, I know it seems a bit rushed but, I just have some bad writers block! So, please excuse that. Anyways! Hope you guys liked and next chapter will be much better! Until next chapter!!!! BYE LOVIES!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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