{the morning after}

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As Julianne threw her phone on the couch the sound of footsteps against the creaky wooden floor of her temporary apartment got louder. Taking a deep breath Julianne turned around only to have the wind knocked out of her.

Sebastain shuffled in rubbing his kneck while a yawn escaped his lips (the ones that had been on hers not that long ago). His messy bed head only added to the beautiful picture that was on display before her.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"Hi," she said quietly. Sebastian moved past her, stopping to drop a kiss on her head before opening the refrigerator.

"C'mon Jules you have nothing to eat!" he said with a laugh.

Julianne stood motionless, was he not going to address last night? Did he not feel the same? Was he just using her for a quick thrill?

Alarmed by the silence that met his exclamation Sebastian turned around to see Julianne stiff as a board. He slowly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Julianne shrugged him off and walked forward only to begin pacing. Sebastian's eyes followed her back and forth waiting for her to speak. After around two minutes she broke.

"What was last night?" she asked facing him but still not looking him in the eye.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"The kiss!" she yelled will pulling on her hair, "I told you I loved you, we kissed, and then fell asleep! What does any of that mean?!"

Smirking he stepped towards her but she began to step back.

"Oh no! You're not going to charm me with the smirk!" she said about to escape but Sebastian caught her in his embrace.

"Do you really think I would have kissed you if I didn't feel the same way?" he asked. Julianne looked up into his eyes with the most hopeful gaze he had ever seen.

"You do?" she asked, biting her lip.

"I do."

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