My mind's completely dead
My eyes are soulless
I don't feel alive anymoreThe voices in my head
They're too much of a stress
And I want to shut the doorA smile on my face
Is enough to hide
The pain inside of meThough there's no trace
My mind sure has died
And these voices won't let me beOh, I feel like a ghost
With the memories spoken into my ear
And they don't seem to ceaseAnd what hurts the most
Isn't the fact that they're all I hear
Or the fact that they teaseIt's the fact that my mind is dead
And there's nothing I can do
To bring it back to lifeYes, my mind is dead
I'm afraid that is very true
So just stab me with a knife
Cause I don't want this life
Poetry From an Empty Girl
Poetry"I'm sorry It was too much to bear I should have kept my mouth shut Since you didn't even care"