Chapter 7: The Inevitable

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      Hermione placed herself on the end of the mattress furthest from Malfoy. Her chaste manoeuvre was futile. He promptly pulled up to her and put his arm around her waist. An insane wave of desire rippled through Hermione's body.

She looked away, trying to preserve her last bit of self-control, and opened her bookbag. Draco pushed her hair aside and nuzzled her neck just below her ear, which sent goose bumps down Hermione's back. She quickly pulled out her notes from the Sex Education seminar. In her blurred state of mind Hermione still remembered that she had to make sure no unplanned babies would result from this crazy adventure of theirs. While Draco progressed to kissing her cheek and ear, she peered at her notes in the dim light of her wand. To her dismay, Hermione could not understand what she wrote - her lunatic scribbles were plainly unreadable. She pushed Malfoy away, but he did not relax his embrace on her, and she ended up on top of him, his arms in a dead lock around her body.

"Merlin, could you cast the contraception and anti-disease charms at least?" Hermione wriggled in Draco's tight grip. She felt his body beneath his clothes, and the sensation of it made her stomach sink.

"I thought you'd got them all in place, Granger!" Malfoy planted a wide-mouth kiss on her lips and attempted to roll over. He received a loud smack from Granger on his cheek and let her lips go. "Calm down, you hellcat!"

"I can't read my notes - I was so fogged-up when I wrote them! Where are your notes?"

"I've got no notes. I didn't go to the damned seminar!" Malfoy quickly let the insane girl go before she bit his nose off. "It's okay to do without those charms, Granger."

"What if I end up with a baby of yours?" Hermione grabbed her bookbag and held it up like a shield. Her passionate dark eyes gleamed in the dim light, and Draco could not take his stare off her face. She was so spirited and sexy...

"Babies are cute," Draco tried to talk smoothly. Anything was good so far as it helped him shag her.

"You want a BABY?" the Gryffindor vixen shrieked. "No, never, never with you!" She gathered her parchments and bag, and bolted to the door. "Get off me, you bastard, I'd rather go insane than sleep with you!"

Alarmed, Malfoy sprang to his feet and blocked the doorway. Granger put her wand to his throat.

"All right, Granger, I'll go and get the notes from someone. Crabbe and Goyle both went to the seminar. Wait for me here, ok?" He rubbed her shoulder lightly. "You're so hot, Granger, you're going to burn through the mattress in no time."

Hermione lowered her wand: the scoundrel totally had her. She sighed and stepped back. Malfoy winked at her and walked out the door.

Hermione returned to the mattress and pulled the thick duvet over herself. The dark classroom was chilly and inhospitable. She stared at the dust bunnies, visible on the floor in the wand light, and tried to think about the inevitable intercourse as pragmatically as possible. Surprisingly, Malfoy could talk so civilly to her, whereas she was far from being nice to him.

Hermione remembered how he got the better of her in their third year. They both took the Arithmancy class then. She sat with Padma Patil and Malfoy entrenched himself in the seat behind her. When he taunted and mocked her she ignored him stoically. He was so brazen that even Padma told him to pipe down on several occasions. Finally, his insults drove Hermione to the edge and she blew up when she heard him maligning Hagrid. Hermione slapped Malfoy, and, to her utter confusion, he didn't fight back. On the contrary, he was so unperturbed that it rattled Hermione to the point of missing her Charms class.

Hermione raised her head and looked around. She conjured an oversized pillow out of a chair and levitated it to the mattress. If she were to suffer the indignity awaiting her, Hermione was determined to do it with the most comfort possible. It was already mortifying to think about having to undress in front of Malfoy. Hermione remembered her divining together with the Patil sisters in this very classroom last winter. What a wicked science Divination was...

Draco was nearly running towards the abandoned classroom. Goyle's untidy parchments flapped in his hand. Panting, he prayed that Granger would be still waiting for him in that room. When Draco neared the coveted door, he was unpleasantly surprised to find Mrs. Norris sniffing the floor under it. Draco was about to aim a kick at the cat when his insides suddenly froze with fear. In the opposite end of the corridor McGonagall was advancing towards him. The only other time he experienced this kind of horror was when he stood under the basilisk-like stare of the Dark Lord and heard the verdict on his father, once influential and respectable Lucius Malfoy.

Draco ditched his plans for Mrs. Norris instantly and set in motion away from the door and the cat. He paraded past the Deputy Headmistress, wildly hoping that Hermione hadn't revealed the potion thing to the teacher. When he was at least two doors away from the incriminating classroom, he looked over his shoulder and saw McGonagall stop by the jinxed door. His heart lurched. Of a sudden, she bent down to pick up Mrs. Norris instead of trying to open the door. The next second the teacher was departing further down the corridor, the cat purring contentedly in her arms.

When McGonagall turned a corner and disappeared from sight, Draco leaned against a wall. His knees were shaking. It took him a few minutes to collect himself before he dared to go back to the classroom.

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