Chapter 19: A Mistress?

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      Hermione peeked onto her charmed parchment, hidden under a sheet with intricate Arithmancy formulas. Professor Vector was reviewing the part on numerical correlations of the zodiac constellations, which Hermione already knew by heart. She was sitting alone today.

Padma preferred to sit across the classroom, leaving Hermione by herself at the desk. Thanks to Lavender Brown's verbal incontinence, the rumours of Nott's snogging the Gryffindor Prefect spread far and wide. Because of that, Padma had been giving her the cold shoulder, lately. Hermione ignored the gossip, instead appreciating the extra space in Ancient Runes and Arithmancy classes.

Do you think V. matches her hair colour to her robes? Will we see her nose purple, as well?

Hermione glanced at the teacher and suppressed a chuckle. Draco was right: Vector's dark hair bore a purplish tint, which, she assumed, was meant to complement her deep purple robes. It wasn't the first time. The other day the professor's tight curls were decidedly a greenish hue, fully in accordance with her early St. Patrick's Day-style green outfit.

If you spend the whole class studying V's dress style, I'm not fixing your Arithmancy homework, ok?

Draco used his forearm to shield his parchments from Nott. It was more of a precaution than necessity, since Theo was completely oblivious. His forlorn gaze was firmly focused on Padma's shining black braid, several desks away. A small smile crossed Draco's lips as he read Hermione's reply.

If you fix my Arithmancy, you choose the sex position next time. If you also do my Transfiguration essay, you'll pick positions for two dates, in row. BTW, I'm working on your DADA essay now.

Hermione's cheeks were flushing hotly, as she read the response. Merlin, there was no way to study with Malfoy sending these wicked little missives to her. Not to be outdone, Hermione, after a brief deliberation, shot off her answer.

If you pay attention in class the whole day today, I'll give you a treat in the Prefect's bathroom tonight.
P.S. Stop working on my DADA essay – I finished it yesterday!

The Prefect's bathroom? Draco could hardly believe his eyes.

He shot a quick look at Nott to make sure that the bloke didn't peep onto his parchments. Thank Merlin, the love-struck Theo looked as if Padma had fed Amortentia to him. Draco drew a deep breath and re-read his enchanted parchment. The vision of a nude Hermione Granger immersed in that magnificent marble pool made his insides stir with lust.

His sexy, gorgeous girl proposed it!

Draco glanced at Theo again and wondered if the dolt ever thought of cloistering with his beloved Padma in the Prefect's bathroom. The Ravenclaw prefect would forgive him any incidental snogs after that.

Giddy from her own audacity, Hermione peeked over her shoulder, and instantly met Draco's gaze. His eager expression made her stomach flip-flop. The same second she noticed a new reply from him.

You render me speechless when I think of you in the marble pool. Hope Moaning Myrtle won't pop out of the taps there.

Kissing you all over,
P.S. I read your DADA draft – it's lame. No offence, but you can't hand it to Snape in that condition.

Hermione held her breath. By inviting him to share her bath, she was now daring to show something of herself that no one knew about. She never let even Moaning Myrtle catch her. It didn't matter that Professor Vector was a mere few feet away from her desk – the teacher could very well be a few light years away from the planet Earth. The entire Arithmancy class was now far removed from Hermione's mind.

For some sinful reason she now wished Draco to partake in her secret pleasure. Yes, she read about such things in The Magical Joys of Kama Sutra, but to do it in reality ... oh, Merlin. Her head was swimming. Hermione wanted to be in Malfoy's arms right now. She shook her head, collected herself and sent off her response.

Do whatever you want with my DADA essay. I can barely think when you talk about kissing. I want to kiss you too.

The bell rang but Draco failed to hear it. His stare was fixed on the parchment that hid the enchanted note underneath it. Nothing could be sweeter that this, "I want to kiss you too." Not Weasel, not Potter, not Zabini or Nott, but him, Draco Malfoy! She wanted to kiss him!

When he glanced up, everyone had left the classroom, except Hermione. She dawdled at her desk, supposedly rearranging her books and parchments in her bag. Her amber eyes locked with Draco's, and he quickly pointed his wand at the door. It closed softly.

A look of worry came over Hermione's face, but he didn't let it linger for long. In a second, Draco was by her side, his hands firmly in her brown curls. He saw her features relax slightly, and her lips part, as their bodies pressed together.

"Draco, not here . . ."

"Yes, here. Only a minute," he breathed back and leaned onto her face. "You're mine!"

It was bliss, and it was pure insanity – kissing in a classroom during a short break.

Hermione's heart pounded madly, as she surrendered to Draco's earnest lips. She gripped his shoulders and inhaled his scent. A little more, and he could take her right here, on the desk. She dreaded it and she craved it at, the same time.

They broke their kiss off, breathing heavily. She tilted her head away from him, as if warding off the next kiss. His dark stare was fixed on her face. Draco gently traced her jaw line, then her lips, with his finger. Hermione looked at him from under half-closed lids. He was so different this time. He acted as if she belonged to him, and she could sense his deep adoration, which made her want to answer in kind.

She'd do it later, in the Prefect's bathroom.

"Draco, we'd better go," Hermione whispered. "Before someone comes in."

"Right, you leave first." Draco turned abruptly and walked to his desk. His parchments were still piled. "Here. Your DADA homework."

"Thanks." Still in a daze, Hermione took the proffered parchment and hurried to the door.

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