Chapter 23: Holiday Prelude

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     Tomorrow would be the last day of school, along with Slughorn's Christmas party, and Hermione already was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Draco had been stubbornly denying her intercourse for three days in a row, because he could not get over the idea of Hermione having a date for the party. Draco was bent on making it impossible for her to be around any male tomorrow night, thence forcing her to skip the party to shag him instead.

The bastard had been hanging around in the library, when she talked to Harry about the danger being plied with a love potion. Hermione glimpsed the blonde head behind bookshelves a couple of times, at least. The freshly minted Othello evidently seethed with jealousy over her doing homework with Harry every night in the library.

In short, Pansy's absence only made things worse for Hermione. Without the other girl's presence to keep Draco in check, he was now free to stalk Hermione anytime and anywhere.

Hermione reclined against the pillow on her bed. Her inflamed libido had forced her to part with Harry early and retire to the dorm. She tried to focus on the letter in her hands.

... Your mum and dad are getting along wonderfully. Don't worry about the family gathering, sweetie. Your parents are such sweethearts now, worse than newlyweds. I'm already getting suspicious! (Only joking!!!!)

Your mum has told me you're going to stay at school for the holidays. How come? Don't think you can fool me by pretending that you need to study! Is a cute crush of yours staying at school too? My dear little lady, you should bring your beau to the holiday dinner! I can't wait to see you and give you a big smooch on your cheek - you must be a really grown-up girl now.

Don't even try to tell me he is not invited or he won't be comfortable. I'm sure you won't lay your eyes on someone who is not up to par. Yes, I know how picky you can be, my little bookwormie! We will all absolutely love to meet your boyfriend, so no shirking and making excuses, okay?

Make haste and let me know if we are going to see you (and hopefully your boyfriend) this Christmas!

Auntie Perpetua.

"A letter from home?" asked Parvati from her bed. Her voice did not sound too happy.

"From my aunt," replied Hermione and folded the letter. "The usual stuff." Her bubbly personality notwithstanding, Aunt Perpetua was too shrewd to be around, Hermione thought. And her parents had apparently gone to the other extreme in their unpredictable relationship, without as much as an advance warning to their own daughter.

The door opened and Lavender strutted in, swaying her hips. She glanced at the two girls on the beds, then paraded towards a mirror and started fixing her hair. Hermione unfolded her letter and stared into it again.

"Everyone is in the Common Room, only you two have holed up here," Lavender said. "All the boys are there."

"I have a heck of a headache," griped Parvati. Hermione said nothing.

"Want my headache potion?" Lavender chirped sweetly and walked to her bedside stand. "Hermione, do you want to try the Miracle Hair Styler?"

"No thanks," Hermione replied bluntly.

"Pity," Lavender rummaged in her drawers and proffered a bottle to Parvati, who accepted it with a martyr smile. "You'd have more luck with boys if you style your hair better, Hermione. Maybe Harry would date you then!"

"Thanks for the advice," was Hermione's curt response.

"Won-won is so - so hot, Parvati," Lavender exhaled exaggeratedly. "You know, when he snogs me all the way, I barely can remember where I am!"

"Yeah, Ron is awesome," Parvati nodded with an expression of a quiet exasperation. "The best Quidditch keeper this year."

"Some Chocolate Frogs for my sweet boy." Lavender procured the sweets from her stand and straightened up. "He a-a-absolutely loves them!"

"Already got a date for the Slug party?" Parvati moaned and followed Lavender with her eyes, as the latter exited the dorm.

"Not yet," Hermione said grimly. "A couple of candidates but I'm still deciding."

"Guess, Malfoy is not among them?" Parvati whispered, visibly hoping for a thrilling sensation.

"Malfoy is the last person I'd ever consider," grumbled Hermione.

"Of course, after he snogged my sister..." Parvati opened Lavender's bottle and sniffed it. "This smells funny. I can't understand Padma - she refuses to tell me anything. Everyone is talking about that epic snog of theirs, and she's silent like a stone!"

"Maybe Malfoy offended her?" Hermione played along. The memory of that cursed day made her feel guilty and horny at the same time.

"I dunno. I think Padma is nuts. First Nott, then Malfoy. Now she isn't talking to Nott at all." Parvati poured the medicine in a tablespoon and sniffed it again. "Guess it might help." She swallowed the potion and grimaced at the taste.

"Is your head hurting so badly?" Hermione asked compassionately.

"It's Blaise who's giving me the migraines," complained Parvati.

"What's the problem?"

"Oh, Hermione, I don't know what to do with him - he's so - so insistent on it..."

"Insistent on what?"

"Well, on this thing - I mean going all the way, not just snogging and groping." Parvati paused. "Hermione - Hermione, did you ever try it with anyone?"

"Try what?" Hermione did not like the turn the conversation was taking.

"Well, I mean that sex thing..." Parvati looked at Hermione timidly.

"Ehm... No." Hermione loudly opened her bedside stand and deposited Aunt Perpetua's letter in it. "I think I'm going to turn in."

Hermione fished her toothpaste and toothbrush out from the depths of the bedside stand, and picked her towel from a wall rack. Parvati reclined on her bed with a disappointed look, but Hermione ignored it, as she headed to the bathroom.

While brushing her teeth, Hermione firmly made up her mind to get from Draco what she needed to restore her sanity. She was not going to sacrifice her life to the lust potion and skip the Slughorn's party.

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