Chapter II [Reality]

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Beep, Beep, Beep.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

“Shut up, Shut up, Shut up” Harry thought. What was it, 5 o’clock in the morning?

Beep, Beep, Beep.

“Shut up” this time, Harry says out loud. He rolls from his back, onto his stomach, bringing a pillow to sling around with him. The pillow creates a small ‘thud’ against the alarm clock, probably not creating much damage. Though, the beeping stopped which was good enough for Harry.

Now, this is the real world. First, we had Harry living in a tree house just on the outskirts of Dream London. Here, we have Harry spending the night in a hotel room somewhere in a different continent. America, I think.

“Harry!” an all-too-familiar voice shouts, echoing through the halls of the pent house suite. “Harry, I heard your alarm go off, I know you’re awake!” it voices again, this time, louder.

This was Eli. He was mentioned in the last chapter, though, then, he was a rare ‘Talking Dog’. Now, he was just a normal guy. He was One Direction’s photographer. Well, Harry and Niall’s assigned photographer. Yeah, and you wonder why it’s just Niall and Harry in a lot of pictures. There’s your reason.

Seconds after Harry hears his doorknob rattle, a flood of cold air drowns him. Goosebumps cover his skin and his knees find their way to his chest for warmth. Peaking one eye open, he sees his covers lying on the floor and Eli, in a human, non-fictional form, hovering over him.

“Haz, we have a photo shoot today, you don’t know how many times your alarm’s gone off in the past hour.” Eli crosses his arms over his puffed out chest.

“Hour?” Harry croaks. Eli lets out a huff and pulls at Harry’s leg, getting the soft fabric of the sheets to slip Harry toward the end of the bed. Harry groans in response.

“Management’s called twice, asking if you were ready.”


“Mrs. Teasdale finally said that if you’d come early, she’d let you take a shower there.”


“It was my job to wake you up this morning but I decided to be nice and let you sleep in.”


“Harry Styles, you make me regret that choice.”

Thump. Harry collapses onto the carpeted floor.

“Now, get your lazy arse up. Niall’s made breakfast.” With that, Eli stomps out of the room. You may think that because Eli’s part of the management, he’s strict and controlling like some of the others. But no, he’s actually quite the friend to Harry and the rest of the boys.

Eli was 19. actually, his birthday was a week after Harry’s. Since he was younger than all the boys, they didn’t take him very seriously. He used to always be ‘in charge’ but it’s kind of hard to be ‘in charge’ when no one will listen to you. So he made, sort of, a decision. He’d stop acting like a prick and just be their friend. Then, they’d at least listen to him because they wanted to, not because they had to. Well, the boys aren’t very stupid. They saw right through his little ‘decision’ and after hours of thinking, agreed that they’d just pretend his plan worked.

Harry slips on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt that he finds strewn out on his floor from last night. The show yesterday wore him out. All he wanted to do was sleep. He just wanted to crash onto a bed somewhere close by, any bed – which is exactly what he did.

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