Chapter XIV [Reality]

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The blonde boy turns around only to have someone collide with him and lift him off his feet. There was no doubt about who it was.

“Haz, baby,” Niall wraps his arms tightly around Harry’s neck, not wanting to let go. Harry spins him around, laughing as he kisses Niall multiple times on the lips.

Though, the two boys paid no mind to the smaller dirty blonde girl laughing and adoring them. Harry just continued to suffocate Niall with kisses as Niall choked him with a tight hug – such a loving relationship.

Literally, about a minute later, Harry notices Delilah standing to the side, a slight blush on her cheeks, still laughing. Just to test her, Harry sets Niall back down onto his feet, and before Niall can even get a word in, Harry captured his lips.

Harry’s hands trail from Niall’s waist to the back of his neck. Niall has his tightly wrapped around Harry’s torso. The blonde’s so giddy from the passion, that’s he could possibly melt into a little puddle.

As the kiss continues, Harry can’t figure out as to why Delilah hasn’t shoved him away. Well, there’s a plot twist. Zayn must’ve told the truth. Harry thinks as Delilah coos at the affection.

Harry’s mind is redirected back to the kiss as he feels Niall’s puckered lips turn into a smile. Harry pulls back at this point and he’s grinning like a kid on Christmas. “I was waiting for you to realize that Zayn was right,” Niall murmurs.

A small chuckle escapes Harry’s lips. “For once,” Harry adds. Niall shakes his head, his smile growing wider by the second.

Delilah stood back, admiring the way the two boys weren’t afraid to show affection in front of somebody. Though, she had noticed that Harry would give unsure glances at her here and there. She knew that all he needed was to get used to things.

For Delilah, this wasn’t the first fake act she had to play. She had done it for a friend once, and a different celebrity. She was used to seeing this happen. But she did wish that she had never gotten herself into this mess. She wishes that she could have an actual boyfriend – one that didn’t have another boyfriend.

“I’ll leave you two to it,” Delilah notes, giving Harry a small, awkward wave before turning around to walk toward the door.

“Thank you Delilah,” she heard a voice say. It wasn’t Niall’s voice, she knew that. It was Harry. Maybe he would warm up to her a little quicker than she expected?

Delilah didn’t even turn around, she just ‘hmph’ed in response and left the couple just as she had said.

“Maybe she’s not that bad,” Harry mumbles, shrugging his shoulders. Niall kept his grip around Harry waist, pulling him impossibly closer at the mention of Delilah.

“I want to let you know, when Delilah and I hold hands in public, it is no attempt to shove you away. It’s only an act. She’s only doing her job.” Niall gives Harry’s cheek two quick pecks.

“I’ve got it. I’ll only have to get used to it.” Harry shakes his head disappointed.

“Aye, cheer up buttercup. Guess what?” Niall’s smile now reveals his fixed, perfect teeth – not that they weren’t perfect before the braces. Harry hums in response, loving the way Niall brightens the mood. “I want to be a real couple.” Harry’s eyes widen and his mouth goes agape. Happiness fills his features like a bowl in rain. “But,” Niall halts him before he can even say a word. “You have to take me on a date first.”

Harry can’t help but smile. “Anything for you, Nialler.”


There he was, standing in the far corner of the room. He was chatting away with the boy’s co-manager, Mr. Griffiths. Mr. Griffiths was to handle business, not publicity. That’s why Niall and Harry were aiming for the other man conversing.

Harry wraps his hand tightly around Niall’s, lacing their fingers together. Niall responds through a squeeze of Harry’s hand and a sympathetic smile.

Mr. Magee put Delilah in charge of covering Niall and Harry’s relationship, not to discourage it. They knew it was true, but after knowing Mr. Magee for a good while, they knew when he didn’t particularly like something. That was their goal here. They would show affection around Mr. Magee to prove that they’re together, and they’d see his reaction.

It sounds a bit beyond simple, maybe too easy, but Harry was nervous to say the least. He could hear his heart pounding, as if it was echoing in his head. Niall was nervous too, but he knew that Mr. Magee wouldn’t just simply give their relationship the green light without actually approving it.

Niall took a step forward, egging Harry to follow him. Their hand’s grip impossibly tightens, pleading for comfort.

Now walking at a slower than normal pace, they were making their way to the two talking men. Harry gasps when one man looks up, the emerging couple catching his eye. His heart’s rapid pounding comes to an immediate halt when he sees something etch its way to Mr. Magee’s features – a smile.

The couple stopped in front of Mr. Magee and Mr. Griffiths. Harry’s eyes flicker back and forth between the two men, both of them wearing a smile.

Maybe it would turn out to be better than he thought? This was it. This is when they figure out if Harry and Niall can truly be together. Well, if they can be together and be happy.

“You know,” Mr. Magee clears his throat. “Word spreads around here pretty quickly. A little birdy told me that there’s a new couple around, tell me when you see them, will you?” he says, acting suspicious.

Mr. Griffiths chuckles and Harry and Niall turn to each other with their eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Mr. Magee turns to walk away, but he stops himself, looking over his shoulder to face the boys.

“Oh, wait,” he adds. He points a finger at the two boys who continued to keep their death grip on each other’s hands. “Found them.” Mr. Magee sends them a small, joking wink. Then, he turns around and is on his way, Mr. Griffiths by his side.

The two boys stand side by side, befuddled. What had just happened?

“Damn,” Niall chirps. Harry loosens his grip as the tension is finally cut. “We didn’t even have to say anything.” Niall lets a loud, satisfying laugh escape his lips. Harry releases a shaky breath in response.

He was just too confused. That was too easy. Niall was right. They didn’t even have to say anything and just like that, Mr. Magee accepted them.

“Harry, Haz, aren’t you happy? What’s wrong?” Niall grabs Harry’s shoulders, slightly shaking him from being spaced out.

Harry’s gaze focuses in on the blonde boy in front of him. A smile replaces the confused glint in Harry’s eyes and he nods his head. “Nothing’s wrong. I couldn’t be happier.”

[Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy, it being Christmas season and all.]

[Well, I mean, I would never just end the story like this! Something else has to happen, right? The question is: What will happen? The other question is: What's the best gift you've ever gotten for Christmas? Mine's my laptop. Heh.]

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