Chapter 1

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Piling books on my desk again. Getting ready for finals and stuff like that. Ugh. Who knew that going to college was so hard? Oh! Wait! Me! I knew! Because people told me... Maybe I should listen to people more often and be less stubborn.

Ppppfff!! Like that will ever happen. Its who I am. If I didn't already inherit it myself its in my DNA. My parents are the same way. They're the ones that forced me to come to college and study to become a Doctor. And not just any doctor. A surgeon. Yeah. Plastic. You know... Putting squishy bags of ish in women's breast and making people less fat, giving guys a bigger sized... You know what I mean.

I look down at my stomach. "Do I need plastic surgery?" I let out a breath. "No you don't! Oh shut up Val. You're so stupid." I turn and laugh at my room mate. "Lauren. You don't know. Maybe I do" I drop my bag and walk towards her. "How was London?" I ask. She hugs me then let's out a breath. "You know. Same old same old. Parents fighting and them telling me I better become a great dentist." We release the hug. "I'm sorry." I say patting her back. She smiles.

"No no. Its fine. Anyways. How was your break." Uh. Don't even get. Me. Started.

I sit down on my bed on the right side of the room. "One word. Studying." I say laying back. She joins me on my bed. "Awe. I'm sorry Val. I guess we both had a pretty horrible break huh?" I turn and look at her. I never realized how really pretty she is. And she's been my room mate for two years.

She had light blonde hair cut above her small shoulders with side bangs. Light freckles on her peachy cheeks that complimented her gray eyes. She's way opposite of me. My skin is lightly tanned, or you could just say I'm light brown. What ever. My brown hair long to the small of my back. I don't know. I don't see myself as pretty. At least, compared to Lauren. Maybe I shouldn't compare. But its a habit, and every girl does it.

I let out a breath and look up at the ceiling. "Yeah. I don't know how I'm going to get through this year." I confess. I hear her chuckle. "Me neither." We lay there for a while. I finally look at her. "I just want you to know that you're my best friend." I tell her. She smiles, showing me her pearly white teeth. "You're my best friend too." She says. Actually. She was my only friend. That happens once you leave high school.

A lot of the people you thought were your friends just leave. But you understand. At least I understand. I don't want to be a burden to someone who wants to live their life that I have no purpose in. I furrow my eyebrows at the thought. I turn to look at her again. She's fast asleep, she must have had a long flight. I quietly get up from the bed and head over to my desk and sit down. Propping open one of my books.

Chapter 1

How to get ready for surgery.

I let out a stressful breath. "Its going to be a long night" I say to myself starting to read the chapter.


I can't take it anymore. Its around 10:30 at night and I don't feel like reading the book anymore. I read five whole chapters. I look over at Lauren whose sitting on her bed on the other side of the room. She's snuggled up with her pillow pet and is watching Netflix on her lap top. I stretch real quick and stand up. "I'm going out." I say turning to her. "Are you sure? Its late." She says with her eyes still stuck on the screen.

"I just want to go and walk around campus. Maybe stop by at the 24 hour buffet. Wanna come?" I ask as I grab my phone and purse. She mindlessly shakes her head as she continues to stare at the screen. "Call me if anything..." Her voice trails as she stares at the lap top. I chuckle and leave the room.

Its quiet. Students are either out, sleeping, or at the library studying. Its finals week. Or what we students like to call "hell week". I walk out of the duplex and take in the fresh air. Its dark. And the stars light up the sky. I walk for a little bit. Until I make it to the buffet. And to my surprise its full. "At this time?" I open the glass door and the sound of loud talking pierces my ear. I walk in.

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