Chapter 14

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Valerie's POV

I really didn't know where to go.. I'm sure Taehyung and Lauren were still in my dorm. And that Sam and Ivan would still be together as well. At least my stomach was full. Just then. I get a text.

New text message from: Tae💋

Hey. I found a way to get away from Lauren. Something happened. We need to talk. Meet me at the theater on campus. Do you know where it's at?

Yeah I know where it is.
I'll see you then.


I make my way to the to the theater. I've been there once, when Robert and I were still dating. He had taken me to see a play and it was amazing. I really shouldn't be thinking about Robert. He's a liar and a cheater.

I walk into the performing arts department. People were very nice, some very cocky. I walk right up to the theater and knock. The door opens and I'm pulled inside. He shows me that rectangular smile. I smile back. "What's up?" I ask. His eyebrow raises. "So about this morning.." He starts. I chuckle nervously. "Ah hahaha that. Yeah. Forget it ever happened." I say.

Taehyung's POV

She seemed uneasy. Yeah. I would too if I was in her place, having a guy receive an erection in front of you. That's awkward as hell. Imagine me having an erection in front of you? Yeah. No one wants that.

"And something about Lauren." I add. Her face drops. "Everything seems to be about that fucken whore." My eyes widen. "Are you okay?" I ask. Her face turned red from anger. "Just continue." She crosses her arms now looking away from me. "She wants me to go to London with her." She pounds her fist into her hand. "Of course she wants you to go to London with her!!! She wants to show you off to everyone as if you're actually hers!" Wow.. She's really mad.

She looks at me. "You're not hers. You're mine." A smile grows on my face, I liked the sound of that. "But you said yes right?" She asks. My smile goes away and I nod. She nods back. "Good. This plan is going great. I think.. She's falling in love with you.. And that will mean this plan will tear her down like a little-" my eyebrows knit. "Wait.. Excuse me?" I ask. "She's falling in love with you." She says. Unintentionally my eyes blink a couple more times.

"No.. She can't be.. We barely talk. If anything we've had more sex then-". "I really didn't need to know that." She says throwing up her hand. "Y-yeah. You're right.. S-sorry." Her eyes narrow. "Why are you stuttering?" She asks. "I-I don't know." Why was I stuttering? She walks up to me. "Me being close to you makes you think of this morning?" She asks. Yes. "No." I lie. She smiles. "Liar." She wraps an arm around my neck.

Her fingers running along my hair that brushed my neck. My heart was pounding. "So what was it that you wanted to tell me?" I ask. Her arms fall off of me. "Nothing.." She says. My eyebrows knit. "Liar." Leaves my lips. She let's out a breath. "I think Roberts been contacting Lauren. I don't know for how long.. But he knows that you're with her." This can't be good. "But he also could tell that I like you.." My heart stops.

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