chapter 18

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"Valerie?... Valerie.." My eyes slowly open my eyes.

Lauren's face is right in front of mine. My eyebrows knit. "What?" I ask rolling over in the bed. I lay for a while. Then my eyes widen. I sit up, my hair sticking to my face. I'm in my dorm room. "It was a dream." I whisper.

I look at her quickly. "Why'd you wake me up? I mean.. Thanks for waking me up.. I mean-". "Valerie. Are you okay?" She asks. "I heard you crying in your sleep." My eyes dart for the door. Where was he? It felt like I was breaking out in a heavy sweat. What if reality would become a deja vu? "I-I'm fine. Just fine." I stare at the door. "How was your dad?" I ask. "Eh. You know.." She flops on her bed.

It was like the old times, before everything happened. When we were actually friends. When we would talk about things. But of course, we weren't even that. "Actually. I kind of don't know, you haven't talked to me about stuff in a long time." Words were slipping out of me. "He's good." Is all she says. "How'd Taehyung enjoy London?" I ask. "Fine." She was giving me short answers.

I pull the hair off my face that was stuck to the dry saliva in my cheek. Gross. Without another word I walk to the bathroom. I wash my face. I couldn't get the dream out of my head. My heart was pounding. Could the dream be true? I brush my hair and throw it up in a pony tail. I brush my teeth. I walk back out of the bathroom.

I grab clothes to change. "Where you going?" Lauren asks. I shoot her a look. "Going to go hang out with Ivan and Sam." Her eyebrow goes up. "Is Sam like.. Your new friend or something?" She asks. I button my jeans. "She's my New best friend." I correct her. Her face drops but she says nothing.

I slip on some flats and walk out of the room. I head straight to Ivan's and Taehyung's dorm. I can feel my palms sweating. I stand at the door, my heart pounding. I'm about to knock when the door opens. "Val." He smiles. I felt my heart skip a beat. "Tae.." Is all I'm able to say. He pulls me into a tight hug. I shutter in his touch. I force back my tears, hoping and wishing this was real.

I can't help but hug him back. I can hear his heart pounding against my ear. "I missed you.." He whispers. "You have no idea." I whisper back. I look up at him. He smiles. He pulls me into the room and closes the door. "We heard what you told Lauren." I hear Ivan. My eyebrows knit. "You're wearing the mic." He points to the necklace. "Oh.. Yeah." I smile. "Awe. Val. You're the best." Sam says. I smile. "Did you see the look on her face?" I ask.

"Actually we did." Ivan says as he types on the computer. "I had activated the cameras after you put on your flats." He says. "Oh good. You didn't see me changing." I look at Tae. He blushes. "Taehyung insisted that we proceed with the plan right after you woke up." Ivan says. "He has his mic hat on." Ivan points to Tae.

"All cameras are working great. And mic on the bear is working just in case we can't get good volume on the hat." I nod. "Taehyung. You ready?" Ivan asks, adjusting his glasses. I look at Taehyung. He looks at Ivan then at me. "I need to do one thing first." He says. He sets his hands on my elbows. "On the trip to London I felt something." My heart drops. This was definetly not what I wanted to hear.

"I felt that Lauren couldn't live up to your values. That you were too important to me." He says. I can't help but smile. "And what she said to me, about her past.. Didn't change a thing.", "What was the secret?" I ask. "She was molested when she was younger, and that she fell in love with me." I stare at him. Lauren was molested. She loved Taehyung. "We had sex." He says. Of course they had sex.

"But after I felt complete regret. Because you were on my mind." His hand raises and touches my chin. "I did come back different.. I feel sorry for Lauren. But I don't feel anything more for her." He slowly leans in. "And this is why I can give you your kiss, because I'm still yours. And I didn't break my promise." I grin.

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