Chapter 4

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Thursday  May 5, 2016

"Good afternoon. " I greeted to Kat, Cliff, Slim, and Zav, who sat in the waiting area as I walked into the shop. They all responded back, but Zav had to be extra and came up to me and gave me a hug while slyly touching my butt. After he let me go I sit my purse and go in search for Cameron. I walk into his room and see that he is working on a client.

I guess he heard me approaching because he looks up as soon as I hit the doorway. "What's up?" He asks.

"Oh nothing. I just came to let you know that I was here and see if there is anything specific you need me to do before inspection?"

"Nah, I think everything is good. But if you don't mind, could you go collect rent from everyone. "

"Yeah , not a problem at all. " I was really glad that we had overcame whatever tension we had between us. Now we are able to have regular conversations without it ending in a argument.

"Peeciate it. Everyone should give you $500." He respond going back to work on his clients tattoo.

I walk back to the front and let everyone know that Cameron asked for me to get everyone's rent. Everyone but Zav began to hand me their envelopes. "Do you need to run to the bank or something?" I ask him, wondering why he hadn't made a move.

"Nope, I just ain't got it right now. " He mumbled.

"Okay, well I'll let Cameron know. " As I walked in Cameron's client was leaving. "Hey, I got everybody money except Zav, he said he doesn't have it at the moment." I explain.

Cameron lets out a small grunt as he runs his hands over his face. "Damn man. He's only been here for five months and he been fucking up since the beginning. The first time I let him pass, the second I gave him the benefit of the doubt, now three times a charm. I'm starting to think he taking my kindness for weakness. What you think I should do?"

I just stood their not knowing what to say. I was in no position to give my opinion on the situation. "Honestly." I hesitated before I spoke again. "I feel like he doesn't get as many clients as the others, so maybe he's struggling to come up with the money. But then, I feel as if he doesn't really put any effort in promoting his work to gain clientele. "

"You right, I've noticed that too. I for real tried giving him a chance, but I can't keep letting him slide like that. It's unfair to everyone else. I think imma have to let him go if he keeps up with this. "

"Do what you gotta do." I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"For real, you gon let me fire yo bae?"

Smacking my lips together I rolled my eyes. "I hate that word, and he is not my bae."

"Oh really? Let him tell it yall been talking since Top Golf. "

"Uh, no he been harassing me since then, trust me there's a big difference between the two. I don't like that nigga like that, if he wasn't so pushy maybe. But he's definitely not bae."

"So, who is bae?" He asks with one eyebrow raised.

"There is no bae . Bae is pretty much nonexistent. "

Nodding his head he rubs his chin. "That's good to know. " He responded walking out the room.


"Why are we always the ones to get stuck here?" It was only 5 in the evening and the inspection man had left about an hour ago. Also the crew left since they didn't have anymore clients for the day. Me and Cameron stayed behind to clean, but it ended up raining. So since Houston has been flooding nonstop for the past two months we decided to stay put, to no get caught up in the midst of it.

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