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Dekota Pov

"Dekota, I need you to listen to me." My mate says as he grabs onto my shoulders steadying me. "What ever happens no matter what you feel or hear you stay here, you stay here with Eton. You have to protect him." He says as we both look down at the sleeping new born in my arms.

Tears running down my cheeks "Promise to come back, you can't leave us." I cry hoping against all odds he will be fine, he will come back to us.

Grabbing me he pulls us into an embrace mumbling his empty promise to me. "I promise." He says stronger with determination in his eyes before he leaves to go defend our pack from the attack. Doing what he told me to do I quickly lock the bedroom door before running into the closet and crawling into the crawl space with my baby hugged tightly to my chest.

Please be alright, please be alright, please be alright I repeat that mantra in my head over and over as I listen to the gruesome nosies and people dying outside. I should be out there too helping defend my pack from these horrendous rouge's but here the best female fighter is hiding away to protect her baby.

'De, I need you to open up I need you to watch Tyson and Elizabeth for me.' I hear my best friend mind link me.

'But Luna where are you going?' I question as I sit my baby on a pile of clothes as I crawl out of my hiding spot to let my Luna and her children in.

"It's getting worse out there De and I need to go help, knowing Jai he won't let you out there to fight when there's Eton who can't be left alone now. Please just protect them for me, I promise nothing will happen to Jai I'll help him if he needs it-" Kylie starts but gets cut off as a scream comes out of my mouth. Falling to the ground tears leak into my eyes.

"No, no, NO!" I cry out looking at my best friend who has shock written on her face, she felt it too. Not as strongly as me for she is not his mate but as his sister and Luna, she felt his bond break. He's gone.

Not paying attention to my surroundings I barely notice Kylie moving me into the crawl space again with her two children watching me with pitiful eyes. "De i-im so sorry."

Jerking awake sweat covers my body and my breathing starts to even out as I look around me to find my baby boy staring at me with wide eyes "Mommy?"

"Hey buddy it's ok mommy just had a bad dream come on let's go back to sleep alright?" I say soothingly as I pull his little body closer to me, four years have passed and I still wake up almost every night to that tragic night repeating in my mind.

Sighing I close my eyes to fall into a deep dreamless sleep this time.


Alec's Pov

Finally I think as I look into the eyes of the most gorgeous girl I have ever met. 'Mate' my wolf purrs in my head, yes mate, I have finally found her! Walking up to her I can't help but notice every detail about her starting with her bright red long locks to her deep clear blue eyes to the freckles painted across her nose and cheeks.

"Hi " I say with a smile hoping to get one back "I'm Alec Monroe-"

"I know who you are, your brother is the future Alpha of Black Star pack. " she says cutting my off with an eye role making my wolf growl from the disrespect.

Confused at this sudden attitude I try changing the subject hoping to know more about this red head beauty "May I ask your name?"

"A'lisa, now will you move I have to meet your brother. " she all but grits out at me, my brother why does she need to see him?

"Why-" I start to ask wanting to know why she rather spend time with him rather than me her own mate.

Groaning she starts saying the most dreadful words a wolf could ever hear, "Because I am dating your brother, he promised to make me future Luna, I want him not you. "

"But I'm your mate, the only one for you, made for you. And you are mine. " I try to reason with the girl i barely know who is already breaking my heart without even trying to.

"That might be so but you can't promise me the Luna title like your brother can so let's get this over with, I won't have you ruin this for me. I A'lisa Mitchell reject Alec Monroe as my mate. "

Falling to my knees as the pain of the bond breaks I look into her eyes to see if she has any regrets but all I see is happiness, she is happy I her mate is in pain, happy to get rid of something so special just for power. 'Don't let her hurt us more' my wolf whimpers in my head causes me even more grief, not from losing her but for the pain she has caused my wolf who has done nothing to deserve this.

Standing to my full height catching her off guard "I Alec Monroe accept A'lisa Mitchell's rejection to being my mate. " I say in a steady voice as I turn around to find my father.

Walking away I hear a slight whimper leave her mouth causing a smile to grace my lips as I walk to my father's study leaving the she-wolf behind.


Hey guys so this is my first book ever so bare with me, if you see any mistakes please tell me, or if you have any ideas on what should happen I'm open to ideas! I'll try to update at least once a week so you don't have to wait long. Anyone remember Jessica from True Blood? Well Deborah Ann Woll is playing as A'lisa.

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