Chapter 3

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Hey guys I'm so sorry, I uploaded this last week and I guess it never published, I'm so sorry, btw I'm just finishing up this week's chapter and should have it up before midnight (hopefully...don't kill me)

Alec's POV

"Allie you got to be quiet ok?" I tell the six year old girl behind me as we creep through the forest.

"Did you get everything?" She ask ignoring my previous statement.

"Yes I did, now be quiet or we're going to caught." I tell her again making a right. Stopping right at the tree line I look at the small houses in front of us. Smiling I look at Allie, "Do you remember which house is her's? "

"Two house's down, on the left across the street." She points toward our target.

"Good come on, we'll circle around so hopefully we got get caught." I whisper keeping to the shadows of the midnight sky, we slowly make our way to the house. No lights. Perfect. Bending down I shrug off my backpack before opening it. There sitting inside is 20 cartons of eggs.

Allie giggles as she takes a carton and opens it "This should teach you not to brush me off for my size." She says as she lunches an egg at the house.

Quickly following suit I take another carton out and start chucking at the once clean perfectly painted blue house. Allie is still giggling as we throw more and more eggs but I'm listening and watching our surroundings. We are on our last carton when a light flips on from inside the house. Shit.

"Allie go, meet me back at the rock now." I whisper while quickly picking all the empty cartons up.

"What why?"

"Because someone is awake and I need to get rid of our scents, now go!" I all but whisper yell at her. Nodding she runs off not looking back. Just because she is the Alpha's daughter doesn't mean she won't get in trouble if they find out she was involved with this. Looking around I find a hose and start spraying where we were standing to wash away our smells before pouring perfume over my tracks as I run to the pound.

Dripping wet I make my way to the rock to find Allie. "You smell like wet dog." She states jumping off.

"Shut up, we gotta move before your dad comes looking." Grabbing her hand I walk us back to the pack house. Slipping through the door was the easy part now the hard part, walking up four flights and not get caught.

Silently we each make it back to our rooms without any problems. Locking my door I head to the shower.

'Why didn't she wasn't us? We're fun.' My wolf speaks up for the first time in a week.

'I don't know.' I reply.

'She's so pretty though.' He keeps talking making my heart clench at the sound of my whimpering mate, 'Why doesn't she love us, what did I do wrong?' He keeps whinnying.

'You did nothing wrong! Neither of us did.' I tell him trying to cheer him up, 'Fate didn't want us together.'

'FATE?!' My wolf screams in my head making me jump 'Fate doesn't want me with my other half? The one they chose for me?!' He starts to growl.

'I don't know! But that is how it looks to me.' I whisper to him as I get out of the now icy shower. Pulling on some clean boxers I get in bed dreaming of what it would be like to have my mate at my side in my arms.


"ALEC!!" Emmet shouted breaking the door down. Jolting awake I look at the door way to see a fuming Alpha.

"What's wrong?" I ask getting out of bed but not coming any closer to him.

"Where were you last night? " he ask slowly making sure I have a chance to think carefully about the next few words to come out of my mouth. Shit.

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