Chapter Two

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Dekota's POV

"Mommy! Mommy!" Eton giggles as her runs towards me on his wobbly legs from Ty and Beth. Bending on my knees I pull my little boy in for a hug.

"What's wrong buddy?" I ask raising my eyebrow at the two older children as they come to a halt.

"Gasping for air Eton looks up at me with wide eyes and whispers "You have the cheese touch." Before pulling away and leaving me with a confused face. Standing up I shrug it off before heading to the kitchen to see if they need any help with lunch.


"Dekota! " Kylie yells my name as I walk into the office.

"Hello Luna Kylie, Alpha Jace. " I start moving my head in respect "You asked me to come?"

"De! You know there is no need to be so formal with us, we're family." Kylie sculls me while Jace shakes his head.

Clearing his throat Jace starts "The soon to be Alpha Andrew Monroe of Black Star is coming over with his mate to discuss some issue for what ever reason."

"Alright, what do you need me to do?" I ask waiting for some unappealing job.

"I need you to walk them from the border line then help Kylie entertain the soon to be Luna while I discuss this 'IMPORTANT' issue." Jace finishes.

"No, no way am I babysitting a grown ass adult, they're worse than children." I say not even the slightest bit joking.

"Dekota as your Alpha and friend I'm asking you to do me this favor. We both know Kylie has too much of a short temper to be trusted with a new guest."

"Hey! Rude."

"I guess you're right." I mumble looking up to see Kylie pouting as Jace sits there with a smirk forming. "Alright, when are they coming?"

"Tomorrow." Jace says.

"Why am I just finding this out? Tomorrow is Eton and mommy's day, you know this, everyone knows this." I say wondering how Eton will take this, I promised him we could go to the lake for the day.

"Well how about we make it a group outting De, Ty and Beth can come with us so you don't have to cancel on him." Kylie cuts in.

"Actually that isn't a bad idea, Eton loves those two so I bet he wouldn't have a problem with it, plus Ty could keep an eye out on them while we talk to, what's her name?" I start only to pause, what is her name, did Jace say it and I forget it?

"A'lisa, I think, right honey?" Kylie says looking at her mate only to have him nod his head yes.

'I miss Jai.' My wolf whimpers in my head.

'I miss him too, but we have to stay strong for Eton.' I say sadly. "Is that all?" I ask aloud, standing up from my chair looking at my Alpha and Luna.

"Yes, you may go. " Jace says looking down at the paper work that needs to be finished. That reminds me I better go start on tomorrow's so I don't get behind.

Walking out I head to my room to work on tomorrow's horrible paper work.

Hours, that's how long I have been sitting at the desk signing and filing papers. Sighing. I have myself off the chair making my way out of the room, a amazing scent Reach's my nose. Spaghetti. Walking into the dinning room I see Eton sitting next to Jace, smiling I pick him up and sit him on my lap. "Thank you for saving me a seat buddy." I say moving my fingers over his side's as he squirms trying to get out of my reach as his giggles hit my ears.

"Stop mommy! I want to eat." He huffs out. Stoping I look up to see everyone looking at us. 'Is there something on my face?' I link Kylie trying to figure why they're watching us like Hawks.

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