Chapter One

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Alec's Pov

"Father" I say as I walk into his office shutting his door and taking a seat in one of the chairs. Noticing my brother is in here to. Why did she want power more than love and happiness? Holding back my growl I turn away from him and look at my fate who raised his eyebrow at me.

"Well hello Alex everything ok? " He looks at me for an answer, feeling my brother's eyes on me I ignore the questioning looks and think of why I came here. Think, I know I'm not telling my father about what happened in the hall an hour ago, no I can't put my brother in that position. But now thinking about it why would her promise her the Luna title when she isn't his mate, what will happen when he finds her, what will they do if he gives up on his true love for that she-wolf.

"Alec you there?" Snapping my eyes up I look up to meet concern eyes of my father and brother.

"Uh yeah I'm ok, actually I came to tell you I'm leaving." I say before I can stop myself, what? Why am I leaving, where am I to go?

"And go where?" My brother ask as my father nodes his head in agreement to his question.

Suddenly my wolf makes an appearance and speaks for me "I'm going to go around the surrounding packs and see if they need help, with the rouges grouping up outside the borders." I finish as my wolf retreats.

"Are you sure about this son?" My father starts when my brother cuts in with a smile.

"Father I think he just wants to go find his mate, I mean he must be lonely watching everyone we know find their happiness." He states rather proudly.

"If that's true why haven't you gone out to find yours?" I growl at him my anger starting to leak through my walls.

"Because I already found her." He says slowly.

"Maybe you should tell A'lisa that since she thinks she is gonna be Luna." I say looking him straight in the eye daring him to say she is his mate.

"Son what has gotten into you boy? Questioning your brother's mate and the dates like that, I know finding you mate yet must be hard but that is your future sister in-law you're so rudely speaking about." My father states. Looking at them both I know my hurt is showing through my eyes but I don't say anything, how could my brother lie about something like this to our family, our pack. Getting up from my seat I look at them one more time before turning and walking out of the study not looking back. We all knew this was the last time I'd see them for a very long time as I make my way to my room.

Packing my bags I clean out my room before heading to my truck and starting it up. "So you're going to leave without saying goodbye to me?" A voice says behind me.

Turning around quickly I come face to face with my mother, well more like I come face to air as she comes face to chest. Looking down at my mother I see tears in her eyes as I pull her into a hug and sigh I open my mouth to speak but she beats me to it. "I know about A'lisa, I understand why you're leaving but why won't you confront your brother, and tell your father?" She questions.

Shock was evident on my face as I look down at my mother "How did you know?" I asked.

"Heard her over talking to one of her friends, she knew for 3 months that you were her mate but she avoided you and wore your brother's and friend's clothes to cover up her scent, the little bitch. Do you know how much I want to beat your brother? That little pup better not make her Luna I swear if he doesn't wait for his mate he might not be here when you come back." My mother says finishing her rant off. A'lisa knew for 3 months but hid from me just so she could be with my brother, of all wolves to leave me for, my brother, my own blood.

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