Mastermind | Danganronpa AU Fanfiction

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Junko suddenly came into consciousness as she spoke words she wasn't aware of, realizing what had been happening – she didn't have control over her own body. The words in her mouth ... they weren't hers. Her movements weren't hers. She was under someone else's control. Despair's control. And she wasn't about to take it anymore. He would die for this, for everything he did to her. But she had to keep acting the part, or else she couldn't pull it off.

"Here's the new deal if Hope gets voted down, one of you takes the fall! Now, let's see . . . eeine, meenie, miney ...


He faltered as her finger jabbed towards him. "Wh- seriously?"

His shock made her feel exhilarated. She was finally back in control. She wasn't his puppet in his little game anymore. "It's only fair, I hate your guts the most. Next time maybe don't be such a jerk to your captor. Oh yeah, in case you're havin' trouble followin' me kiddos, sacrifice him and the rest of us live happily ever after!"

"Me? sacrificed ... ?"

She wanted to burst with laughter. "That's the idea! Simple! Send the whiny kid up the River Styx and the rest of us make it to our twilight years!"

"You can't! No, you wouldn't-!"

Junko held a Monokuma doll before her and mimicked his voice. "Aww, what's the matter, Naegi? Having a hard time believin' your pals will take the high road?" She didn't find it very hard to act so insane. She probably was. After all, she'd already been driven past her breaking point long ago.

"No! Screw you! That's not it!" He faltered. "Guys ...what's the matter? Kiri ... back me up! Anyone?"

The despair in his eyes was beautiful. It filled her with glee. Finally, her sister would have justice. She was so happy that her eyes began to water. She pretended to be sad for poor little Naegi, for the kids with despair written all over them. "Wow, if you could see yourselves now ... the lines despair is cutting into those faces . . . " They all stood on the line, hesitant to cross it and condemn him to death. She just had to give them a little push. She still had more advantages against him that she could use. He had no chance. "Oh, that's right I almost forgot, the outside world is barely habitable."

They all turned to her, shocked. Her heart skipped a beat. There was no way in hell he was going to win this.

"What keeps us safe here is the air purifier purring away in the physics lab. I'm isometrically linked to it, so if I die, that's all she wrote! Take me down and you'll be scrambling for someplace else to call home. Hope's Peak'll be outta commission. The purifier will seize up, and you'll be forced to leave! I have mentioned the outside world is a nightmare of contamination and death, right?"

The horrified looks on their faces sealed the deal. Naegi was done for. She was ecstatic.

"HAHA! How does it feel to know that if even one of your bosom buddies sides with despair you'll be dead in a matter of seconds?! Is it awesome?!"

Silence filled the room, then it was rudely interrupted.

"Tsh – nice try," Naegi seethed.

Junko wavered. "Huh?"

"Come on. Like hell we're gonna give in to you!"

She still couldn't process what was happening – what he was doing. "Whet?"

"We won't be brought down that easily! It takes a lot more than stupid shit like that to make us cave! Who cares what the outside world is like? That's not where hope is! Hell no! Hope is a state of mind!"

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