Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm so excited to have the first story on here and to start this "project" with Nova. Don't be afraid to comment, I want to hear what you think. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, I want to know. So, I apologize in advance, but enjoy. ~Mynx Coleman~

Chapter 1 

Cammie's POV

I was so bored, at home alone. Zach is usually here with me but he was out on a mission. He should be back next week, if everything goes according to plan, which it doesn't usually, so maybe a bit longer. Zach and I have been married for four years, and we live in a small house in Roseville, Virginia. Just so we can be close to my mom at Gallagher. Of course we have more safe houses that we stay at when needed, but we usually stay in this one. I have plans with my mother, we're going out for lunch together. I haven't had much time off but without Zach here, I'm bored out of my mind. As I was getting ready, I got a phone call from a blocked number. I was kind of confused, but being a CIA agent, it's not beyond anything we're not used to, so I put a tab on my phone so it'll track it as soon as I answered and I started recording the conversation in case it's anything that needed to go back to the agency. When I answered, I didn't even pretend not to be confused.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Cammie." The voice on the other end breathed out, it's a voice I will never forget, not after everything we've been through.

"Zach?" I asked just to clarify, even though I already know I'm right.

I can just picture the smirk on his face when he said, "You know it, Gallagher girl." I breathed out a small breath and started to relax, I missed him so much.

But once the reality of things started settling in, I started freaking out, "What are you doing? You're on a mission!" I half shouted into the phone.

He gave a short chuckle before responding, "I know, I just miss you, I needed to hear your voice. I love you."

That made me smile, I looked down and blushed, and even though I know he can't see me, I tried to fight it. "I love you too, and of course I miss you, I always do, but I swear to god Zach, when you come back, if we have to deal with CIA for this phone call, we are going to have an issue."

"Don't worry about it, it's a completely secure line." He responded calmly after my semi-threat. Sometimes it's hard having a spy as a husband.

I giggled then responded with, "Oh yeah? And how did you manage that?"

I could practically hear him point to himself as he whispered, "Spy"

"God I miss you." I breathed out.

"I miss you too. How have your past few weeks been?" Zach asked me, he kind of seemed sad.

"Boring, it's not the same without you here." I would much rather be on the mission with him, or him here with me.

"I know the feeling." He responded knowingly.

We were quiet for a bit, a comfortable silence, just listening to the others breathing. Zach's breathing was a bit off, he was taking shorted, quicker breaths than usual. Curious about it, I inquired.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He didn't seem ready for that question, nevertheless responded, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just ready to come home."

I nodded knowingly before having another thought.

Before telling him, I said, "Hey, I have something to tell you."

"Do you now, Gallagher girl?" I heard him ask, I could picture the smirk on his face.

"I do." I said, not elaborating. Now there's a smirk on my face.

"Well what is it?" He asked

I teased him a bit by saying, "You'll have to wait till you get home."

"Just tell me now." He begged.

"Nope." I said, popping the P.

"Please, Gallagher girl." He asked again.

"It's big news, I would prefer if you were here." I admitted. But he wasn't giving up that easily.

"Cammie, you know I would do anything for you, so please, just this once?" He put up a good fight.

With that, I caved. "Fine." I put a hand on my stomach before continuing.

"I love you," He breathed out reassuringly.

"Zach," I took a deep breath, scared of what his reaction is going to be. "I know you said you were never having kids, and we've only talked about it a bit, and every time we did, we usually ended up saying we will deal with it when the time comes, well the time is now... I'm pregnant."

There was silence before Zach said anything, he seemed excited when he muttered, "Really?"

"Yeah." I breathed out and smiled.

Zach continuously muttered, "I love you" as I repeated, "I'm pregnant," with a smile.

"I'll tell you the details when you get back." I reassured once he stopped talking.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked eagerly. That made me happy, I was scared that he was going to be mad.

"I don't know, it's still too early." I answered.

"I love you Cammie." I smiled; it was amazing how he could still make my heart flutter.

"I love you too." I said. After a couple seconds, I glanced at the clock and fully realized what time it was. "Oh I'm late, I'm supposed to meet with my mother. Goodbye. I love you, I'll see you soon!"

"Goodbye. I love you, so much Gallagher girl, so much." With that, I hung up. After I did, I realized that there was a certain sadness in his voice. I couldn't quite place it. Hoping it wasn't about the child, I let myself believe that it was just that he wanted to be home. Pushing the thought out of my head, I grabbed my purse and rushed out of the house to meet with my mother.

A/N: That's the end of the first chapter, Once again, I apologize. And Nova, "A Gallagher girl, is whatever she wants to be." I will see you on Thursday.

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