Chapter 2

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A/N: Writing this has made me sad, so I am sorry. But I had to write what happened with Zach in this part. Sorry. ~Mynx Coleman~

Chapter 2
Zach's POV
Cammie and I, rarely ever go on solo missions, or missions without one another, but sometimes it was asked of us, or necessary. That was the case this time. I was out on a mission, and it was personal. They didn't want me or Cammie going on this one. But because we are the CIA's best agents, they settled for just one of us. Me. This mission was because some of the members from my mothers group of the Circle were out again, and they needed to be stopped. Another thing was, I wasn't going to let Cammie come either way. I couldn't watch anything else happen to her at the hands of the Circle. Cammie doesn't know what this mission is about, it's classified until I get back... well, was supposed to get back. I'm not so sure about that now. I was in some tunnels, it kind of reminded me of the tombs at Blackthorne. Of the day Cammie learned about my mother. I found a small passageway, clearly unused for a while, so I went in there and just thought about my situation. I was being chased. I had been made. Do you know what happens to spies who get made? I didn't want to think about it. I had to call Cammie, I had to hear her voice and tell her I love her. I pulled out the phone I had been hiding. It may be untraceable but it's still a risk, and I called her.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Cammie." I sighed, it was so nice to hear her voice.
She probably knew the answer but asked anyway. "Zach?"
"You know it, Gallagher girl." I said with a smirk.
There was a pause, she breathed out before she started yelling at me. I had to have seen that coming. "What are you doing? You're on a mission!"
I gave a short laugh before saying, "I know, I just miss you, I needed to hear your voice. I love you." I should tell her. I know I should, but I just can't bring myself to do it. It would crush her.
"I love you too, and of course I miss you, I always do, but I swear to god Zach, When you come back, if we have to deal with CIA for this phone call, we are going to have an issue."
She said when. I almost start crying, knowing that there probably isn't going to be a when.
Knowing that I'm never going to see Cammie again. I tried to steady my voice before responding, "Don't worry about it, it's a completely secure line."
She laughed a little then said kind of cheekily, "Oh yeah? and how did you manage that?" Who was she to doubt my abilities?
"Spy." I whispered as I pointed to myself. I didn't have to because I'm on the phone, and I know she can't see me, but the gesture came with the word. It's incomplete without it.
"God I miss you." She breathed out quietly.
I smiled a bit, but trying to make sure my voice didn't crack, I carefully said. "I miss you too. How have your past few weeks been?"
Without hesitation she responded, "Boring, it's not the same without you here."
"I know the feeling." And I did. Even though we were on different sides of the problem, I still felt the same way, maybe if she were here I wouldn't have gotten caught.
But then again, maybe if she were here, she would've gotten caught too, and in that case, I am glad that she's not. It doesn't matter how much I want to see her, I would by far prefer that she is safe, and alive. Even if it's without me.
We were quiet for a bit. Just listening to her breathing was calming, just to know that she is there, and fine, it was enough to relax a little. But I still couldn't relax, the only thing running through my head was, you have to tell her, you have to tell her, you have to tell her... I can't. I was trying to keep my breathing even, my heart was beating faster than usual, but I didn't want her to know that. I am a spy, I am professionally trained to do that. It's just with Cammie, professional goes out the window.
"Are you okay?" she asked. Of course she noticed, sometimes it's hard having a spy as a wife.
I had an answer to that, but I couldn't tell her, so I said, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just ready to come home."
She didn't say anything for a bit, she knows there is more to it, I just hope she doesn't ask. Soon after she started talking again. "Hey, I have something to tell you."

A/N: I know, I know. The conversation isn't complete. And I know you have already read it. It was just too long for me to put in one chapter due to the rules, so I thought this would be a good place to cut it. Don't worry, I'll post the other half next week! And Nova, "Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you" I will see you on Thursday.

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