Chapter 6

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A/N: The song for this one is "Take it out on me" by Thousand Foot Krutch. It might not work for my story, but I think it kind of works for the series.

Cammie's POV,

It's been four days since Zach called from his mission, and I still haven't told the girls yet. I told my mom that day when I met with her, but I thought I would hold off on telling the girls, at least for a little while. Knowing that now is as good a time as any, I picked up the phone and called my best friends.

Once I had gotten all of them on, Bex, being the first one I called, was getting impatient.

"Would you hurry up and tell us already?"

"Okay, okay. This is just big news. I would like it if you were all here but this will have to do for now." I started.

This time it was Macey who was getting impatient. "Just spit it out already girl, I don't have all day." Typical Macey.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out. Then, simultaneously, all of the girls on the phone started freaking out. "Calm down! Calm down! One at a time." I shouted.

Liz started talking first. "Congratulations Cammie! How far along are you?"

"I'm about two months" I responded.

"And how long exactly have you known?" Macey questioned me.

"I've known for about a week now."
"A week!" Bex shouted. "You've known that you are pregnant, that you are going to have a child. The first one of us, might I add, to have a child, and you knew for an ENTIRE week before telling us!"

"It's only been a week." I defended while Macey is taking Bex's side.

"This is supposed to be a happy moment girls." Liz pipped up. "And I think the real question is, does Zach know yet?"

"Yeah, I told him a few days ago. I was scared for his reaction but he seemed really excited." I smiled to myself.

"Isn't Zach on that classified mission right now?" Macey asked.

"Yeah he is. But he called me." I have thought about it, and it is strange that he called me. We've never really done that on a mission unless it was a really long one and we could get away with it with no trouble. As of now he has only been gone a couple of weeks so I thought that was odd, but I was glad that I got to tell him and hear his voice again, so I'm not complaining.

"Strange." Said Bex. I could hear a hint of worry in her voice, but it went away almost as soon as it came as she said, "Well, we all have to get together before Cam has the baby. It'll be just like old times. But we're a bit older. And, you know, Cam's pregnant."

"A bit?" Liz questioned.

"Shhhhh." Bex started. "If I don't acknowledge it, it hasn't happened." At that we all bursted out laughing. Just like old times, I thought.

That's when I got another phone call. It was from the director.

"Hey guys, I'm getting a call from the director. I've got to let you go."

At this point, all three of them started freaking out, telling me that I'm not allowed to take any missions because I'm pregnant. I argued saying that my mom and aunt Abby took small jobs while at the beginning of their pregnancies and that I can too. They kept arguing. "Goodbye girls, I've got to go. I'll talk to you later!" I shouted over them then hung up, and answered my director.


I'm on my way to the office. My director called me in for an emergency meeting. He said it shouldn't be said over the phone.

Once I got there I walked into the office like I owned the place, because let's be honest. I almost do. I'm one of the best field agents the CIA has. It's me and Zach at the top. So I walked right into his office and explained my situation before he could temp me with a case. "I can't go on a mission right now sir. I'm afraid I have another situation. I'm pregnant."

After I said that I saw even more sadness fill into his eyes as he said, "Congratulations Agent Goode. But I am afraid that is not why I called you here." I gave him a look of confusion as he continued. "Please sit down Agent Goode."

Something was strange about this meeting. Different. But I didn't know what. I sat down because I didn't know what else to do. "What's wrong sir?" I asked.

"I am so sorry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Agent Zachary Goode has been killed."

At first I didn't understand.

Was this some type of joke?

Was Zach going to come through the door, give me his trademark smirk, and say 'Gotcha Gallagher Girl.'?

He had to. But nothing happened.

When I realized that nothing was going to happen, one of my hands flew to my mouth, and the other one slowly moved to rest on my stomach. I don't know when I started crying, but suddenly I was. And I couldn't stop.

I heard a knock at the door, but I didn't care who it was. I couldn't. Until I heard the director say, "Mrs. Solomon, please, come in."


I stood up and ran to my mother to give her a hug. I think I was the one that needed it though. Her embrace was warm as she rubbed my back and whispered, "I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

"He's gone, mom. He's gone." I couldn't stop crying. I didn't know if I ever would.

"I know." She whispered.

"He's gone." 

A/N: This is my last chapter! Thank you so much for everyone who has read this story. Even if you hated it, I'm still giving you a big thanks! A quick shoutout and apology to @MakaylaBowen2, for you almost made me change my mind about killing Zach. I already had it planned though, I had to do it. Once again, I am sorry. Nova, "He's gone. He's just gone. Someone has to tell Rachel." I will see you on Thursday. 

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