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I trudge out the door after a good night sleep, out into the fresh air. As I inhale, I smell a scent of lavender and as I look to my right I see the purple flowers blooming out of the undergrowth.

My feet move along the stone path which meets with a set of wooden stairs. I step down them and my feet slide into soft sand.

I make a trail of footprints leading to where I was standing right now. At the foot of the cave.

I see ripples in the water as Ruby comes to the surface. "Come on in" she invites.

I hop in and my tail appears, it hurts at first but the water eases the pain.

"Ok, so now just dip your head under and swim downwards for a bit" added Ruby.

I smiled and tried my best to relax myself. I went for it. My body thrust forward as the water covered me. I swam until I was nearly out of breath and quickly swam up to the surface.

I took a big gasp of air and felt it extend my lungs. I was satisfied with my first dive.

I practiced some more until I got really tired and Ruby asked if I could go home. I obeyed her.

The walk home was nice as the sun was just setting and you could see its last rays of light striking upwards, into the sky.

I knocked on the door but checked if it was locked. It was unlocked so I just wandered in.

Mysterious Moonlit Mermaid Where stories live. Discover now