Chapter 3: Breaking Through the Boundaries

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Swiftly Luna ran, dodging all the soldiers' positions in the meadow.
She panted like a wolf as she ran.
"I get...away from here" Luna gasped.
Turning this way and that, she dashed through the thick wood, running straight into thorn bushes, nettles and brambles.
"What she might die!?" Saturn yelled, drawing Kat's attention.
"Saturn...I already know..." Kat confessed "I'm sure as soon as Una hears about this, she will act quickly".
But she was oh so wrong...
"Yeah, she's your sister...I'll go knock on" Kyle said, leaving them alone.
As Kyle approached the room, the door swang open...It contained no one.
"Luna?" He asked, stepping in with still no sign "oh no...I have to go tell them!"
With that, he pegged it back to them to tell the news.
"You got her?" Saturn politely said.
"S-she's gone! No trace...her hoodie has gone and so has her weapon" Kyle gasped.
"What are you waiting for? Go tell the guards" Ruby muttered.
"Ruby, you haven't had much to say on this situation...mind to tell us anything?" Saturn interigated.
"W-w-what!? No! I gave nothing  to hide" Ruby shivered.
"I know you know where she's gone! Tell me or I will get the King's permission to execute you!" Saturn raged.
"Okay! Okay!" Ruby said "Luna's ran away..."
"Move of a coward!" Saturn yelled Guards!!"
3 guards rushed in to see the Prince if the Forest's command.
"Yes master?" They cried.
"Hunt down Luna and bring her here at once!" Saturn screamed.
"Dead or alive?" One questioned.
"Alive...For now".
With that, they marched out, mounted and set off, warning the guards on patrol.
"We must hunt the Princess of the Night down!" One guard said to the other.
"Yeah, the Prince wants her alive...I think he may tourcher her until she agrees, he's that kind of person" th other replied.
"So she's gone missing...hmm... interesting" a hooded figure thought out loud from a tree.
"I can't go back!" Luna cried, approaching the tree where the figure was above with no idea, trying to remove the piercing thorns from her skin but failing.
"Why ever not?" The figure asked, leaping down beside her.
"Who are you!?" Luna snapped.
"I was a somebody...but not anymore, for now I am a nobody" the figure declared.
"That doesn't answer my question" Luna giggled.
"Let's just say I'm here to help" with that, the figure drew down their hood.
Only their eyes could be seen through the shadows cast by the trees.
They were a sparkling emerald green.
"Wait, do I know you...your eyes, they seem familiar..."

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