Chapter 37: Bite Your Tongue

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Remember when I said that I wouldn't fast forward anymore? Okay well disregard that. 🙂


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- Asia 💫


Three Weeks Later...


Rome and I were finally moved into our new house. It took us about a week to get everything situated but we got it done. We were having our housewarming party this week. Rome's parents were flying down from Chicago. I offered for them and my parents to stay with us from Thursday to Sunday. Hopefully things would run smoothly for these next few days. The last time I saw Rome's parents was that night they caught me and Rome in the bathroom stall. I hope their opinion on me has changed since then. Rome's mom was very understanding but his dad really wasn't for our relationship. I hope he had a change in heart.

I was cooking dinner for tonight since Rome swears that I never cook. Rome was picking up his parents from the airport. My parents would be here any minute now. It was going to be a very interesting weekend. Our parents would be our first guests which was very exciting. I could only hope that everyone would get along. I had no doubt that Rome's mom and my mom would get along but my dad and Rome's dad was a different story. They both had dominant personalities. Something would be bound to happen between them two.

I currently had a roast cooking in the oven. Rome told me that his dad loved roast. As for the sides, I'm making my own mashed potatoes from fresh potatoes that I got at the farmers market with asparagus on the side. I also made my own gravy to put on top of the roast and mashed potatoes.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I quickly answered it as I saw my parents standing on the other side with their luggage.

"Good evening." My mom smiled as I invited her and my father inside.

"Hey, how are you guys?" I asked as I hugged them both.

"We're doing well, and you?" My dad asked as he set his bags down.

"I'm good." I smiled. "Let me show you your room." I told them as I escorted them up the stairs.

"I love the decor." My mom said as she looked around while we walked up the stairs.

"I love the house but it's kinda big for just you and Rome. Don't you think?" My dad said as I walked inside of the guest room that I'd be putting them in.

"His sister lives here too. There's four bedrooms so that leaves us with two guest rooms." I told them as I watched them settle down in their room.

"Where is Rome anyways?" My mom asked curiously.

"He went to go pick up his parents from the airport. He should be back soon." I replied. "I'm gonna finish cooking. Dinner should be ready in about an hour or so. You two can get freshened up and I'll call you down when dinner is ready."

"Alright. See you soon." My mom smiled before I walked out of the room and made my way back downstairs. Chanel was coming inside from her run just as I got to the bottom of the steps.

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