Twenty Four

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Exams have ended a couple days ago and BTS have started their practicing for their upcoming tour in South Korea.

Schools been out for a week now and they've basically been living at Big Hit, practicing and eating and all things.

They weren't like the basic traniees, they had already been dancing and training their whole life, they found their sound and look and that's what Big Hit wanted.

They wanted a group to get money off of and BTS were fine with that as long as they were treated fairly and had fun while 'working'.

Kenzi, Alex and I have only seem the guys a couple times while they started practicing. But, today, we were all going to be hanging out and touring around Seoul.

We all live right outside of the city and we all have traveled around Seoul before but we thought it would be fun to do that together.

We had just showed up to a cute shop, we all decided to look around and meet up outside the shop when we were done.

Namjoon and I split away from the group a bit, going to look at a different rack of clothing then they were looking at.

"This is so cute." I gushed and looked at a floral shirt. "Do you want it?" Namjoon asked, looking down at the shirt.

"Yeah kind of but it's thirty thousand won ($30) and I only brought fifty thousand won. ($50)" I frowned and put it back down. "I'll buy it for you." He smiled and picked it back up.

"No, honestly it's fine. You don't have to. I don't want you spending that much money on me." I tried taking the short from him but he raised it above his head. "I'll buy it for you. Don't worry." He smiled.

"Namjoon." I whined. "I don't want you to." I frowned. I was fine with not getting the shirt but henwas persistent.

He leaned down and kissed me quickly, smiling then he spoke. "I'm buying it for you, babe." I rolled my eyes and gave up from trying to not have him pay.

We looked at some more clothing in this store before buying what we wanted to and leaving. We shopped around a bit more, stopping in more clothing stores and buying bags full of cute things.

Namjoon had bought me more stuff against my will and I was a bit made but he wanted to spend his money on me which made me happy that he did care about me enough to spend actual money on me.

He had bought me a cute gold coloured bracelet and a necklace and that was all that I would let him buy for me.

Suga and Kenzi were holding hands and I was internally yelling. I don't know what was going on with them but it fucked me up.

Jungkook and Alex were really cuddly while walking around. It made me happy to see them with who they wanted to be even if it wasn't official.

Taehyung, Jhope, Jin and Jimin were single but they were fine with that. They didn't mind us girls cuddling up to certain boys a bit more, they were all lovely.

Our whole group of friends was just all smiles and happiness for the most part. BTS would be touring South Korea soon and we were all slowly falling in love.

We all decided to stop at a pizza resturant. We ordered a large oven baked cheese pizza for us to split. We had to push two long tables together and grab some extra chairs so we could all fit together.

The pizza came out to us and the waiter placed it in the middle of the table. Namjoon was closer to the pizza so I placed my hand high up on his thigh without thinking and leaned over to try and get a slice of pizza.

"Don't worry princess, I'll get you a piece." I sat back down and removed my hand for him to just put it back where it was after handing me my pizza.

I leaned into his side while we all ate our pizza and laughed about some stupid dad jokes that Namjoon was sharing with us all.

Today was amazing. It was great being with all of my friends and joking around and just being happy all together.

We all were enjoying our time together and not worrying about anything. I wish this would last forever but happiness is always bound to end.


A/N i am sorry this is shit but the next couple of chapters will be short than the last chapter will be pretty long hopefully

alSo im seeing twenty one pilots tomorrow with my punks and im excited its lit

go read my friends books about bts, theyre amazing !!!!
- brittanykookie
- sublimely

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