[花吐き病] 3

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A book hit my face and I heard gasps inside the classroom. My blood was boiling after that soccer player and a "SENPAI" to us. No fun... "I-I'm sorry Misako san." A guy apologized in front of me, I removed the book from my face and I was just looking at him while he was bowing.

"Oh no, maybe she'll do the scene earlier to Asano san!" The girl sitting beside me said to her seatmate. The other girl sheesh to what to her seatmate said, "I hope she will do it, so that a sensei caught her and kick out her from school." I sighed and the girl besides me panicked "Don't say that that too loud! She heard you Mai chan!" Hmm, Mai? That's her name, I'll keep your face and name on my head... "So what? That's the right word for her." Mai looked at me so mad, she stand up and walked out of the room. Her seatmate also followed her.

I looked down and smiled to the guy who hit me with a book. "It's okay." The guy looked up at me brightly-confused "Really? Y-you think so?!" I nodded "and also, my last name isn't Misako, it's Misaki." I corrected him and he jumped so high with his fist on the air. "Yes! She will not pinch my ear like what she did to Misaki senpai!" He mentioned my brother, hey wait why isn't he- I mean the other students realized that we are brother and sisters? I smiled "No I won't do that to you, uhh?" "Asano, Asano Toshiaki is my name!" He saluted and I was there looking at him so weird. "Oh umm." his face is getting red because of embarrassment in front of me. "Ah!- Asano san I completely understand but you don't need to salute!" My hands were in front of him shooking like a head and I was chuckling nervously. Asano again bowed and apologized. When is this going to be the end?!

The bell rang and the students came in, I went to my seat and the teacher went in inside our classroom. Hmm I guess this is our homeroom teacher...

The president of the class stand up "Everyone!" He called us and we stand up also. "Asuya sensei, Good afternoon!" We all said in unison and bowed. That's how we do that here in Japan. The teacher smiled and nodded "Good afternoon!" After he said his greetings we all sat down.

During our lesson I can hear noises coming from the 2nd row, while Asuya sensei is writing on the board he called the two students who are making some noises "Yamoto san and Oshiru san!" Cool sensei. The both of them we're shocked and stood up. Sensei looked at them with his blank face. "What are you talking about huh? This is the third time I caught you making some noises!" He shouted at them and he threw his chalk to Yamoto san but gladly he avoided it. "A-Asuya sensei I-I can explain!-" Oshiru stuttered but the teacher shouted again "Enough! You two..." He pointed his two finger to those students "You two are going to separate seats." The girls were shocked and they give each other's a frown. "Sensei!" Oshiru again begged Asuya sensei "Misaki san!" I jumped a little when he called my name, all the students looked at me. I stand up bravely "Yes Asuya sensei?" I clearly and politely said "Please sit on Yamoto san's seat."He requested and I nodded "Haii!" I grabbed my bag and books under the table and went to Yamoto's seat which is beside the window. Other than that Asuya sensei replaced Yamoto san to my previous seat. "Now don't you ever make noises. Ever again!" He shouted at us and we responded a yes in unison. Wow he's pretty strict I thought he is a fun guy earlier...

I looked at Oshiru san and she was looking down I wanted to comfort her but maybe Asuya sensei will also caught me so I let Oshiru be with herself today and give space for a little time since she was embarrassed infront of the teacher and students...

While the teacher is discussing, I didn't find it fun because he was strict. Also the lesson was too boring so I looked on the window and saw a field, a huge school field, and I saw some people wearing red shirts and shorts. I guess it's a practice for their game? I was watching them playing until I realized they were playing soccer. Wow, since I can see them clearly except for the face,I found that 06 guy is so good. I am going to cheer him when the game is on.

I heard that the teacher sighed "Alright class, time dismissed" We said goodbyes and they all stand up going out. Huh where are they going? I looked through my bag looking for the schedule paper. Until I found it.

3:00-5:00 is Physical Education and for 1-2 hours?!? Seriously? This school is so messed up like... Ugh never mind. I went out to go to my locker. After I grabbed my P.E clothes I went to the bath room to change. I found so many girls were also changing, I look for a spot to change. After changing I went out and fixed my hair.

We all went down going to the field- speaking of field are we also going to watch the soccer trials?! Oh my gosh, I hope so! Finger crossed Hanako!

Now that we are here outside and we can all see the players. I am going to see the 06 player! We went inside the field and I keep glancing to the bleachers where they were sitting down and resting. I couldn't see the 06 guy, where is he? There were also two black shirted guys while the others are wearing their uniforms, hmm.

"Class! Today we are going to play volleyball!" Someone popped out infront of us, and volleyball?! I thought we are going to watch soccer? Or it was just me...

"Anyone who is a professional in playing volleyball?" I looked around and saw a three girls raised they're hand. "Okay Kanaki san, Saki san, and Namuu san." The sensei signaled them to come beside her. "Who else?" The others we're looking around. My back hurts so I closed my eyes and yawned with my two arms "Yes Misaki san!" My eyes quickly opened looking at sensei. She pointed her index finger and signaled me to go beside the other students. I also pointed to myself and she nodded. I have no chance so I went beside Saki san. I felt that she looked at me so disgustingly. Err...

"Alright! We all have a players for A Team! Who's up for B Team?" We are the A Team. Good thing I play volleyball for 8 years until now. But sometimes I am a little clumsy in this sports...

After the selection of players we all went on the volleyball section beside the soccer section. Sensei is placing us where we are going to be, but I was in the middle front. Good luck to me and this team...

Kanaki san served first and the other team hit the ball going to us. The ball was going to Yiko san which is besides me and it went pass through the net going to the other team and it hit the "in" floor, which means we won! They all cheered but I was just smiling and clapping.

During the game we always won, buy this time it was my turn to serve. Oh no, I hope this is going to work... Because sometimes I served so strong and it can hit the roof sometimes or go up while moving so far and sometimes I hit some people because of my serve. I feel so sorry about to the people who I hit...

I heard the sensei whistled and I nodded and sighed. The other students were looking at me, and I started to do a spike serve. Until I heard some gasp, again... Oh no... The ball... Is going to hit on a- guy! I was shocked and we all went to him and he keeps rubbing his head. "G-gomenasai! I am sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I am so sorry!!" I keep bowing and apologizing to the victim and I stopped bowing until I saw him.

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