8|Picture Perfect

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8| Picture Perfect

*Dominic in the picture is on the floor and his head had a huge gash with blood. The stalker had him on his knees with a knife to his throat.

i cant.

i cant.

I couldnt function. I saw out of the corner of my eyes, parents were taking their children out of the park. They slowly walked away from me. They think im twisted. They have no idea.

My vision got bury so i wiped off my tears but they kept coming. i need to get home.

"Ryan!" Matthew ran towards me. "Ryan, are you okay?" He asked helping me off the ground. I tackled him in a hug when he did. i shook my head in his chest.

why does this have to happen to me?

"Do you want to talk about it?" i couldn't answer its like my brain wouldnt let me so i shook my head no.
"would you like me to take you home?" i nodded.

he took my hand and he started walking me down the steps of the gazebo.

I stopped.

Matt looked at me in confusion. "whats wrong?-" i walked back up the steps and grabbed his bracelet and the picture. i squinted my eyes at them.

im going to get these bastards even if it kills me.

i put them in my pocket and walked back over to Matt. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I looked up and he was smirking at me.

i felt really uncomfortable so i moved away from him and just walked beside him. He frowned and we walked back to the car.

*skip to the house cause ya know laziness*

"Right here," i said my voice raspy "this is my house." Matt nodded and pulled into my driveway.

i have to meet them. i just have too. i need my best friend back.

Matt turned off the engine and we got out of the car. I walked up the steps with Matt following a behind me. i grabbed the spare key that was under the cat statute next to the door and opened the door. I put the key back in the spot and Matt and i walked in.

i sighed heavily and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place, yet.

"Do you wanna talk about it now?" Matt asked. i sighed and nodded.

we sat down on the couch and he looked up at me with his heart warming smile. Ugh the feels.

"when i went up to the gazebo i saw a small... a small box," my words started shaking. "I opened it and i found a bracelet... Dominic's bracelet," matts face showed grief. "it was covered in blood then i saw a picture and it said 'met us by the creek tonight at midnight if you want him back safely' it was Dominic covered in blood and bruises and with a knife to his throat." i gulped down some tears and matt put his hand on my thigh. He looked surprised... but why?

Matts POV

"....it was Dominic covered in blood and bruises and a knife to his throat." i gulped.

i didnt think they were gonna take it that far... I noticed she tried to choked down some tears. i put my hand on her thigh reassuring her. she weakly smiled at me and i smiled back. Her smile quickly faded.

"when will this end?" She asked close to tears.

"i...i dont know," i sighed "the thing you need to do is never give up on him. he needs you."

she scoffed. "if it wasnt for me he wouldnt be in this mess," I sighed.

"dont be like that. you know that he still loves you. youre his best friend. nothing would change that." i said.

"...yeah i guess youre right," She sighed. Her eyes widened. "What time is it?" she asked with worry.

i looked at my phone, 4:09 p.m.

"Its 4:10. you have plenty of time." i smiled. she nodded and I noticed she was forcing her eyes to stay awake.

"you should sleep..." i said. She shook her head.

"no i cant i have to stay awa...awake." She yawned.

"Ryan," i said sternly. "go lie down." she sighed and nodded.

i lied down on the couch and i pulled her on me. She lied her head on my chest and her eyes were still wide open. i started playing with her hair to help her fall asleep. her eyes slowly started to close. i smiled and kept playing with her hair.

"thank you, matt. for everything." She whispered and when i was going to reply i heard soft snores from her mouth.

i smiled and whispered, "you're welcome." and kissed her on her head.

i hope the guys dont figure out about this...

* * *


my eyes shot open. I fell asleep.


I slowly grabbed my phone from the table trying not to wake ryan and looked at the time.

11:57 p.m

god damn it! i looked and saw a message. oh no. i looked it was from Cameron...

I saw your little cuddle fest with Ryan. Youre so going to regret that matt. Hurry up and get over here. This Dominic guy is getting on my nerves!- Cameron

i sighed and looked at Ryan. Well here goes nothing.

"Ryan," I whisper/shouted shaking her slightly. "Its time to go."

Her eyes shot open...

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