9| Go, Go, Go!

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New chapter guys! And a few days after i published the other one?! I win lmao. tbh i dont know if i like this chapter... im still a little shaken up... but i thank you guys for reading this far! im so proud of cameron and the other boys for winning TCA they deserve it! ok enough of me babbling, Enjoy...


9| Go, Go, Go!

Ryans POV

"You ready for this?" Matt asked. I nodded hesitantly and put my sweatshirt, the one the boys signed, over myself.

"i just want my best friend back," I snarled "nothing will stop me."

matt looked at me with sadness. i frowned my eyebrows together.

"matt?" i asked. "Whats wrong?" he froze.

"'N-nothing," He said scratching the back of his neck. Hes hiding something...


"We have to hurry! its one minute before midnight!" He said.

oh fuck.


Ryan... hurry uppp! We cant wait to see you. Make it quick if you want your friend back... he's getting on our nerves... -unknown

i felt my jaw clench. We need to go.

"Lets go..." i said trying not to explode.

"But i need to-"

"come on!" i snapped and started running out the door, matt started to run after me close behind.

i ran out the door and jumped off the porch. When i landed, i felt my ankle pop. i sat there kneeling for a second and hissed in pain.

No keep going.

"Ryan?! Are you-" i ran off before he could finish his sentence.

I started running down the road. A light cool breeze hit me but it didnt cool me down. i was running way too much. I got to the dead end I stopped to catch my breath.

This is it. The creak is a few ways down the trail... Im so nervous. Who knows what they have in mind... Dominic, hes the reason you're doing this... he helped you in so many ways...

*flash back*

"Get off me!" I screamed at one of the fuckboys at school. He had my wrists tightly in grip.

"not gonna happen, bitch-"

"She said let go." I knew that voice... Dominic.

The boy turned around and saw him and scoffed. "What are you gonna do about it?"

"This..." Dominic then punched him in the face and he fell to the ground.

*End of flashback*

he got me out of that.

I looked behind me and saw matt close behind. I frowned my eyebrows together and ran.

Dominic, im coming for you.

I ran down the trail. My chest felt like it was on fire, i could barely breathe easy. My feet kicked up dust and small rocks from me running. The wind piercing in my ears, the air coming into my lungs burning my insides, the trees moving from the slight breeze. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. i heard something that sounded like running water.

The Creak.

i looked in front of me and saw the creak. I looked around and didnt see anything. My breath was so scattered it sounded like i was having a panic attack. i felt tears prickle in my eyes. I looked behind me and didnt see matt. But he was right behind me. Oh crap.

"D-Dom-inic." I whisper shouted, my words scattered.

i heard some muffled screams. i looked around and saw someone knelt by the bank of the creak, facing me. They lifted their head and saw their eyes. They were brown and it sparkle in the night. I soon enough saw their face.


"Oh my god." I whispered close to tears and started to run towards him. His muffled screams got louder as i got closer to him. He had duck tape on his mouth.

i slid on my knees in front of him. His eyes widened but then showed relief. He was all tied up, literally.

"Im so sorry, Dom." A tear slid down my face. i took off the tape off his mouth.

"its o-okay." His voice was so raspy. i got a closer look at his face.

There was a huge gash on his four head, his eyes were blood shot, his cheeks were tear strained, his chest was filed with scars and bruises. It hurt to see him like this.

I hugged him like there was no tomorrow. He groaned in pain so i loosened my grip. We stayed like that for a few seconds. I pulled away and he did too. His eyes widened.

"LOOK OUT!" He shouted.

i turned around and i felt something hard hit my head. I groaned and my body got jerked to the side and i fell on my side. I heard Dominic scream 'no' but it was soon muffled again. He started screaming but they were muffled.

i held my head in pain and looked up. I couldnt see in one eye. God damn it! i was real dizzy so i held my head in pain.

i felt myself get lifted off the ground. They were holding my forearms and held my hands behind my back.

"No," I mumbled. "Let go of me!"

They chuckled and i felt myself start to fall to one side to another. The person tried to keep me in balance so they held tighter. My vision was so blurry, it kept going from blurry to normal, making me go dizzy a lot.

"Ryan, how nice to see you again." My eyes widened.

i looked up to be face to face with my stalkers.

Cameron Dallas

Taylor Caniff

Nash Grier

Hayes Grier

Aaron Carpenter

Daniel Sky

The Dolan Twins (yes i know theyre not in magcon but i thought it would be cool to include them)

Jacob Sartorius (Dont even think about posting hate comments, thank you. Personally no im not a fan but plz just keep your hate to yourself)

i looked behind me to see Blake Gray holding me. I gulped.

I then saw someone i thought i could trust,

Matthew Espinosa...

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