Chapter Three

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My breath was easily seen with the season chill that surrounded me. I remembered falling asleep in my bed but now I stood in a ring of trees, each one only leaving a few inches of space in the middle of them. The half moon was right over my head. The stars had disappeared leaving the moon alone. I would have expected to feel weird out here all alone but instead I found it calming. The crickets chirped and I could hear a small stream that laid up ahead. The grass beneath me was grown out and it reached just above my knees. Fireflies danced around me, their light shinning every now and then.

I smiled.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" spoke a voice. I turned and looked where the source of the voice was coming from. Between two trees stood a girl. She was young, maybe around the age of ten or eleven. Her back was toward me but even then I could still tell she was beautiful herself.

"Yes it is," I responded to her question. "Who are you?" I asked this time.

"Mareena," she answered. Her voice was soft and sweet.

I walked forwards until I stood right beside her. Her blonde hair framed her face. Her eyes were brown and looked like they could have belonged to a doe.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

I looked away from her and peeked through the space in between the trees. All around was pitch black but in here everything glowed or seemed to reflect the moons light.

When I went to look back and answer her she was gone. Replacing her stood a silver wolf. It stood as still as me but I could still tell it could sense the fear and confusion that was building up in me.

"No harm. No worry. No fear," a voice spoke in my head. It wasn't mine. The voice was reassuring though and gave me a sense of protection. This creature wasn't here to hurt me in any way, shape, or form.

Everything around me began to disappear. The trees and the fireflies vanished. The ground began to turned into nothing. Before I vanished myself the magnificent creature quickly looked my way and as I left this place those golden eyes burned into my memories.


I woke as the bus came to a stop. Kids began to stand up and walk down the isle to get off. I grabbed my bag and waited for the last kid before I walked off myself. I said my goodbye to the bus driver as I passed by her. People swarmed around each other near the entrance of the school. I clung to myself, trying to keep my body heat with me. I looked around to notice some girls wearing shorts and I began to ask myself if they were even human. This morning before I left to wait for the bus I had seen that the temperature was fifty-two degrees on the thermometer. I rolled my eyes and ushered inside. The heat of the building hit me as did the chatter and laughter of everyone around.

"At least these people are smart enough to get inside," I thought to myself. More girls walked by me, their shorts almost riding up their butt.

It disgusted me. The way girls would show off their bodies to get the wrong attention from guys.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, not wanting to be late for my first class. Turns and stairs kept my travel going until finally I made it to room twelve, my math class. The door opened with ease and I gradually made my way to my assigned seat. There was only a few other kids around me until the first bell rang and everyone started pouring in. The amount of kids accidentally bumping into me and laughing started to give me anxiety. I took a breath in and told myself it was alright.

I knew it was but something about a whole lot of people coming in all at once freaked me out.

I doodled in one of my notebooks to keep myself occupied. No matter how hard I tried though my heart still beat as fast and my breathing became uneven.

'Calm down, calm down' I repeated in my head.

I kept my attention on the little things around me. It wasn't until our teacher, Mr.Ceen, came in that everyone settled down ad I was able to relax.

I looked over at everyone to see if hunter was here.

Of course not.

I let out a sigh of disappointment then brought math class back to my main priority.

"Ok class did any of you remember to do your homework?" Mr.Ceen asked to the class. I raised my hand, then realizing I was the only one. My arm quickly shot down. A blush crossed my cheeks from embarrassment.

"Good job to Katy Lynn for actually realizing school is better than having a make out session with your partner," Mr.Ceen commented, glaring angrily over the class. When his eyes got to me he smiled. I awkwardly smiled back. His face turned into a poker face and he turned back to the board and began to write the answers from the homework paper. I watched as the other students quickly wrote down the answers on their papers. It was funny how they all thought they could get away with it and be able to pass it in with no trouble. I corrected my paper if I had gotten an answer wrong and put a check mark If it was right. At the end I had only gotten four questions wrong. When Mr.Ceen came to collect my paper he whispered, "good job" and then walked to collect the others. I went to doodling again until it was time to learn another standard. Like always the math instantly clicked in my head. I already knew it was gonna be easy for me.

With most subjects things came easily to me. The moment a new topic came up I was able to remember it. I didn't know how or why but it didn't bother me one bit.


Time seemed to fly by cause the next thing I knew I was in gym.

We started with our normal five minute jog after we changed into our gym clothes. That was followed by the routine stretching.

"Ok! Today is the mile run! Everyone follow me!" Yelled Coach Tyler. We did as he said and the twenty of us walked behind him.

There it was. The trail entrance I had taken to get home. The trail entrance was right before the football field and track circle started. I stopped where I was and glared at the darkness filling in the entrance way.

"Go in," whispered a voice in my head.

"Go in," it repeated.

I was lost in an unknown world. I forgot where I was and didn't know what I was doing.

One step, two steps, three steps. Almost there. Another step, then another followed with many more. Web I came to realizing things again I was standing on the trail in the middle of the woods. I could hear the kids in my class yelling for me to come out.

"Don't look back. Keep going," the voice was louder this time. For some reason I did what it said and kept going forward. My heart raced, my palms became sweaty and almost every inch of my body was shaking. I knew I should have turned around footsteps ago but something, other than the voice, drove me to keep going. A feeling deep in my heart told me I was gonna find something important to me here.

But what?

What out here could be important?

I had just decided I should turn around when a voice was heard. It wasn't the one in my head.


It was one I had barely heard before that night. I had never been so happy to hear it.

I had closed my eyes, hoping it was just my imagination. A lot of crazy things were happening. This was just another one to add to the list.

I opened my eyes slowly to look into his, darker than usual, forest green eyes.


I went to say more when out of no where a hand covered my mouth and I was knocked unconscious.


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