Chapter Six

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Hunter walked back into the room.

"Katy, you can go now," he spoke.

"really?" i excitetly questioned.

"yes. the coast is clear."

"... Clear?" i looked puzzled. He clentched his fists then relaxed.

"none of your concern, now go," he gazed away from me.

I didn't argue. I ran out of the kitchen and out the front door. Weirdly, I knew where i was. i was only a couple of streets down from my house.

Footsteps began to approach behind me and i bolted it off the porch and ran off. it didn't take long for me to get back to my house.

"What a weird day," I almost laughed as i walked inside.

"where have you been," stephen startled me. i didnt know if i should tell him the truth or lie.

"i stayed after with teacher," i chose to lie.

"really? did you go home and sleep with him too?" stephen asked.

"no... i was in school for only a couple of hours an-"

"you've been gone for three days," Stephen interrupted me.

"what? no i haven't!"

"its thursday Katy."

I was unconcious for three days? well there goes my lie.

"so did you sleep with this 'teacher' then decide to skip school or..," stephen waited for me to answer.

"no i didn't. i had school work to be done so i decided to stay with a friend. i ended up getting sick so i stayed at her house," the lie didn't make anymore sence then the first one but i hoped stephen was to dumb to realize that.

He glared at me for a second. "your mother was worried," he finally spoke.

"Im sorry. i should have called," i apologized.

"yes you should have an now cause you didnt your grounded. go to your room," he ordered me.

I ran to my room and shut the door. i didnt care that i was grounded, at least i was back in my room.


Stephen's POV.

'what a horrible liar' i thought angerly to myself. i coiled my hands into fists and walked back into my bedroom where katy's mother was.

"was that her?" she panikly asked.

"of course it was," i answered. she let out a sigh of relief.

"im going to go see her," she began to stand up.

"No you don't. We were having a conversation," I stoppped her. I placed my hand on her shoulder. Her eyes gave off a flash of nervousness and fear.

'Good she should be scared,' "My rogue wolf spoke to me in my head, an evil smile crawled onto my lips.

I pushed down on her shoulder and she obediently sat back down.

"Now where was I?" I playfully questioned her. She prepared herself and in one quick action my hand came in contact with her chin. She let out a groan.

"I'm sorry," she apologized for the fifteenth time.

"I'll tell you what. Don't back talk again and I won't hit as hard," I growled.

She nodded her head frantically.

"Good," I slightly grinned. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, "I love you," I whispered.

I looked at her to notice a tear to slip down her cheek.

"I-I love you too," she responded. With those words I turned on my heel and left the room. As the door closed behind me I could hear her finally start to cry. I felt a sorrow fill the empty places in my heart but deep down my wolf snarled, he was happy what he made me do to my wife.


Katy Lynn's POV.

I walked through the crowded streets of downtown. . . where ever I was. People grumbled and snapped at me when I pushed against them to get to my destination. . . Once again where ever that was. I apologized then continued on. Whispers from an unknown source filled my ears. They started off soft but slowly increased to a deathly scream. I tried to block the sound by covering my ears but it was like the voice was coming from inside my head. I grind my teeth together as, in an instant, I fall to the ground. Everyone around pays no attention to the falling, screaming girl. They keep to themselves until they escape from my blurry vision. The pain intensifies only to stop when everything goes black.

I sit straight up in my bed. My head pounds. Sweat drips down my forehead.

Why does it hurt? Why am I in pain? . . . Why is there a note taped to my t.v. screen?

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