Chapter Seven

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Why was there a note on my t.v.? I was taken back by this strange moment but some how wasn't as scared as I thought I should be. With a quick shot of confidence I stood up from my bed and crossed the creaking floorboards over to my tv stand. I bit my bottom lip and took a deep breath before I reached out and peeled the paper of the black screen. The hand writing didn't look familiar, as I had gotten used to my mothers and Stephens. This person was some how sloppy yet neat at the same time.


I stood there motionless before I began to read the note.

Stay clear of the trail for gods sake. If it wasn't for me you would have been killed. You are very lucky we had gotten to you before he did. We will be watching his every move to make sure he doesn't try to pull another stunt. We will do what ever it takes to keep you safe. Now don't be worried we're not stalkers and we certainly are not going to harm you, just watch your back at all times. Understand?

I dropped the slip of paper and felt the sweat return back onto my forehead. And here comes the fear. People were watching me? Oh god! I picked the note back up, quickly tearing it up, piece by piece. I already knew who wrote this. Who wouldn't? Hunter trespassed into my room as I was sleeping and put this note on my tv. I woke up in his house with his friends who helped knock me out out on the trail after all. Now he was telling me, by a note don't forget, that he was not only stalking me but someone else who was supposably going to kill me if hunter and them hadn't gotten to me first. They could have just told me to run instead of kidnap me.


"We didn't kidnap you," spoke a woman. From how soft or quiet she was I could tell she was near the door.

"Oh really? I think when someone comes out of the woods and knocks you out and takes you to their house its considered I don't know...KIDNAPPING!"


I remembered how Clorissa had said that I wasn't kidnapped. Obviously I didn't believe her but surely they were trying their hardest to convince me.

Exhibit Number One: The note.

I sat back down on my bed. My anxiety picking up wasn't good and so far the deep breathing I was told to always do was not helping. I clenched and unclenched my fists repeatedly.

Nothing. Was. Helping.

I wanted to scream so bad and go back to hunters house just to slap him in the face. Yeah, that would help. Silently but quickly I opened my window and climbed down the tree that stood next to the house. I had down this procedure many times in the past when Stephen began to get to be to much. I left my room and left my mother behind to feel his wrath. Maybe that was why she had just allowed him to walk all over her. I was no longer behind her to help and he was sadly all she had.

I scanned the perimeter making sure that my stalker was no where in sight although I was going to go see him anyways.

I walked down the side of the road, trying to find a fast way to get to my destination. Road One or road two? I looked down both paths until I decided to go with road one. It was, anyways, the way I ran home earlier today. I took my steps slow yet made them bigger so I would cover a greater amount of distance.

When I finally came to stand in front of the house I noticed a few extra cars added to the drive way. I was now rethinking my plan on whether or not to confront hunter for his stalking. If they kidnapped me in the first place who would say that these new addition of people wouldn't mind kidnapping either.

With a deep breath and a sudden rise of confidence and adrenaline I walked up onto the porch and banged my fist against the door.

There was no answer for the first couple knocks but as I continued with my obnoxious intruding the door finally swung open revealing a very shocked Hunter.

"What do you want? Didn't I just send you home?" He questioned.

Without a response I raised my hand and brought it swinging down. I waited for contact with his face but my hand was caught in midair.

Hunters soft chuckle erupted through the air.

"Oh should have not done that."

Sorry it's short just want to get something out there. I feel bad not updating for a while. 5 votes for the next update... I'm starting to think this story isn't as good as I thought :/ XD

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