Chapter 1

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~The town of Brinestone. Brinestone is a town in the middle of the country of Wushan. Wushan is a country full of lush grasslands and mountains filled with spirit beast. In the town of Brinestone lives a young a boy who's ignorant of everything around him. His name... Is Zack.~

|~Zack's P.O.V~|

"Zack!!!" Zack's mother called to him. "Get up before you're late for your training!!" She called again. "You know what Rasheik(ra-sheek) will do if you're late. "Uugghhh, fine in a minute."I mumbled to myself.

In the town of Brimestone at the age 14 every boy and girl has the chance to pick their career and began to train in it. The careers include blacksmith, cart owners, shop owners, and medics. These careers are the basic careers. Other then these careers are the noble careers. These careers include warriors, wizards, bodyguards, artists, gladiators, and tradesmen. Upon choosing one of these careers you immediately began to train with someone of high ranks in one of these jobs. For every noble job there's a scale of ranks.

Bodyguards, artists, gladiators, and tradesmen only have three ranks. Warriors and wizards have 12 ranks for the base. After this comes the 2nd two ranks that only 12 people have reached in the history of time.

The career I chose was wizardry. Two years ago I took a test to see if I actually had the potential to be a good wizard. I passed the test with flying colors. The magic I was tested for was light on overpowered levels. I was also tested for telekinesis which is very rare. The power is not rare but having more than one power is. I immediately went home and started my wizard training with Rasheik.

"ZACK, UP NOW!!" My mom yelled. "Fine fine fine." I said as I got up. I got up and put on my usual sleeveless white V-neck, khakis, and brown combat boots and checked out my wicked blond hair. I ran down the stairs and headed out of the door. "Aren't you going to eat your breakfast." My mom called. "Nope gonna be late for training." I called. "Bye mom." I yelled.

"It's about time!" My friend Blake called. Blake was a 16 year old boy about 6'3, same as me, with black hair and dark blue eyes. I was almost late because of you." He said. Blake and I take wizard training from Rasheik together.

Rasheik only has one magic which is telekinesis so he only teaches us how to increase our magic energy or reishi and our magic stamina or chakra. Because he's a seventh rank wizard he has unlocked more magic abilities with his telekinesis such as shock waves. This allows some Mage students to stay after lessons for extra training in actual spells. Blake is one of the only kids whose actually able to match me in reishi and chakra since he has two magics like me. He's tested for dark magic and telekinesis like me except I'm tested for light magic and telekinesis.

"Come on before we're late dweeb." I told him. We ran to the field where all the soon to be mages were training on accumulating their reishi and chakra. We only missed the first three minutes of training but no slack came from Rasheik.

"Where have you two been?" Rasheik asked. "Uh just had to save some baby fish from drowning." Blake said quickly. "Idiot." I mumbled with a laugh. "Um Blake." Rasheik said. "Yes master?" Blake replied. "Next time you come up with a lie at least take a little time to think about it." Rasheik said. Rasheik was a tall muscular man with a scar on his eye and long grey hair tied into a ponytail. "Come with me." He said. "I have some extra training for you too after training is over." Rasheik said. "Yes master." We sighed.

|~After training~|

"Alright I want you both to do handstands on your index fingers." Rasheik said. "But master," I started. "I won't ask you again." He said as he began to radiate immense power. "Yes master." We both said immediately. We both began the handstand on our palms and began to lift ourselves with our fingers. "You think you're better than all the students so you can be late whenever you want." He said. "No master." We said in sync. "Well if you do this'll be great for you. We all know that for a Mage to go up in rank he must have both the reishi and chakra to fuel his spells. Well for a warrior to go up in rank he needs the right amount of kido. Kido is like spirit energy that fuels their muscles and allows them become much stronger than regular people. Right now you both have the chakra of sixth rank mages, reishi of a third rank Mage, and the kido of a second rank warrior. Everyone knows that mages are very powerful but are very physically weak most times. A fourth rank warrior could easily overpower a sixth rank Mage. This exercise increases your kido and allows you to become a lot stronger." Master said.

"What are you saying master?" I said. "You boys are exceptionally powerful for your age. I've been training with you for two years and I think you're ready." He said. "Ready for what?" Blake asked. "I'm taking you both to Vega City to have you try out for an actual university for mages." He replied. "When is this?" Blake asked. When your kido and reishi are that of the fourth rank. The way you two train it should be in two months top." He said. "Cool." I said. "I'll be back tomorrow to check on you." He said leaving with a wink. "Be back to check on us?" Blake thought. "Hey wait we don't have to stay here over night do we?" He asked. "Of course this will be the only training you'll be doing for two- three months." Master replied.

"And so the torture begins...." I said.

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