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"Luke slow down were going to crash " that was the last thing I said before the car hit an oncoming truck.
When I awoke I was dazed I looked around frantically but I saw Luke and the the rest of the crew. But two people were missing , Mikey and Annie. " Does anyone have a visual on Michael and Annie. Everyone shook their head and we began the search. Close to the guard rail was Annie the rail had gone through her leg. "Damn if she'd have done that in middle school she would've paid me back sooner" Sam joked lightly referring to her position. " Don't joke like that " Scarly said "help us get her down". And we slowly lifted her of the rail. She was unconscious but bleeding profusely from her leg. " Whose phone work" Scarly shook her head hers was dead , Sams had lost hers during the crash and I didn't have it with me. So I ran out to the road and as I ran I passed Luke "Are you okay" I asked He nodded " Good " Then out of nowhere I slapped him " You asshole could've killed us now Annie is fighting for her life and Michael is God knows where" Luke said nothing. I walked away and tried to flag down a passing car and to my luck an ambulance was driving by and they stopped " What going on" My friend's unconscious and I don't know where the heck Michael is" I explained frantically The doctors looked at each other and they got their supplies and the girl went over to Annie and began working on her while the other went to help Cal and Ash search for Mikey. I walked back over to Luke " Eve I'm so sorry I shouldn't have been driving now Michael's disappeared and Annie's bleeding this was supposed to be their night and I ruined it O my god". Luke was rambling. I put my arms around him and calmed him down. The ambulance lady was rolling Annie into a stretcher so she could work better. I looked over to the left and saw Cal , Ash Sam ,and Scarly standing in a circle looking down " I think they found Michael" I exclaimed. Luke jumped up and ran over to the crowd and it was Michael he had a large gash in his head. The the other driver was crouched down in front of him wrapping his head to stabilize it until they got to a hospital. By that time another ambulance had shown up and was driving away with Annie.
Scarly 's POV :
At the hospital:
We were all sitting in the waiting room not saying anything just sitting I was very uncomfortable because I hate hospitals but I stayed because these were my friends and I was gonna be there for them. " You guys are here for Mr Clifford and Ms Lawson". We all stood and nodded " I have some good news and some bad news the good news is that Mr Clifford is stable the bad news is that Ms Lawson is in a coma".


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