Chapter 7 - No Regrets.

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ANYWAY, I am back and ready to make more cringy stories. :^)


Song: Moose Blood -Bukowski

Breathing in heavily, I zip up my pants and put on my t-shirt while Butcher did the same. He stared at me the whole time I was fixing up.

"Yeah, that was uh, pretty... great." I say rubbing the back of my neck and grabbing my stack of unedited manga scripts.

"Uh, yeah I guess it was" he hesitated tieing his shoes.

Butcher stuttering? This is new.

He fixed his tie and combed his hair. I didn't clean up that much. I still had my "just fucked" hair. I was going to just go home and sleep and skip work the next day.

"Y-you might get sick, Butcher" I say looking down at the floor because I really couldn't look him in the eyes.

"That's nothing to me. I am a sick bastard" he says lighting a cigarette and combing his hand threw his thick black hair.

I was so embarassed. I can't believe I just slept with my own boss. Well, he forcefully did this to me but, I liked it.

I looked at butcher and smirked

"I'm not coming in tomorrow." I interwined my fingers together to try to not be so nervous.

"And why is that?" He looked at me with a smugged look on his face.

"I am sick." I managed to get out trying to not throw up from being so anxious.

He put his cigarette on his mouth and walked over towards me. I stepped back until my back hit the door.

He put his arm right next to my ear. I could feel his hot, menthol cigarette breath right on my face.

"I didn't fuck you too hard to where you couldn't walk. You're coming in tomorrow or else"

"Or else?" I gulped. "As in fired?" My voice shooked. I have never been fired before.

"No, something worse." He paused taking a hit from his cigarette then looking at me.

"Torture." He blew the smoke in my face then winked at me.

I smirked.

I moved out of his barrier and grabbed my bag aand scripts and headed out the door.

My body pulsated. I missed him already.


Once in the lobby, I called the taxis service. It turned out to be 12:00 am and of course, they weren't open.

I heard the doors shut behind me and of course, my heart pounded, Butcher.

He glanced over at me. "Need a ride?"

I hesitated then nodded my head.

"Alright, come along". I followed him into the parking lot behind the building. He owned a Mitsubishi. I climbed in, not fastening my seatbelt.

He pulled out of the parking lot then we were on our way to my apartment.
It was slient the whole ride home. We pulled in and as I was grabbing my door handle, Butcher slammed the palm of his hand against my chest and violently kissed me. Once he let go, I tried to catch my breath and I couldn't.

"Night" he winked.

"Mhm" I said still trying to catch my breath.

I get out of the car and walk up to the stairs. Once the door was open, I collapse right on the bed. My ass ached. He lied. It hurts so bad I don't think I will be able to walk, fuck me.

I took a shower and everywhere ached. I got out and just curled up in the cold sheets, wishing that Butcher was here next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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