Chapter 4 - Present

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A/N: Author's notes are always so annoying and sometimes people just skip them. I just want to inform everyone that soon, I will be dropping out of school or transferring to a non-depressing school in Kentucky because everyone in Ohio are sadistic assholes. Plus all these fucking people are acting like I don't even exist so what's the use staying in a place where no one cares that I exist?

Here's to this story.


Song: Halsey - I Walk The Line


"Derek? DEREK!" A female voice grew louder and louder as I lay there on my desk paralyzed from all the continuous editing I've been doing for the past 6 hours.

"Here's another 10 pages of the new manga-script the department edited. Go over these and send them to Butcher's office when you're done". Saddie's voice was extremely stern this afternoon. Maybe she's on her period? Did someone not fuck her in the janitor's closet this morning?

I moan because more work was piled on my 'once' cleaned oak wood desk. I take out the red pen I always use and again, outline all the details and movements of the pictures and story line of these stupid cartoons. This pen is running out of ink and it's only been 3 days since I've been here. I don't want to get up and walk 500 feet to Butcher's office it was complete and utter bullshit for my tiredness. I just want to go home and sip some tea and miss the next 2 days of work.

I got the editing finally done and Saddie didn't come into the office anymore to give me more shitty manga-scripts so I guess that means I'm finished. Praise god!

I stretch out of my black moving chair and make my way to the door. Everyone's working, talking, gossiping and dancing in the manga room.

"Hey Derek-san!"

"We did it Derek!"

"Great Job!"

My face feels hot. Why are all these people congratulating me? I didn't get a memo of a celebration of any individualization of the editing I did. All the scripts were half-assed written and of course, I added more detail to make the story-lines more appealing to the reader. Maybe that did it?

I reach the dark office in the back of the editing room. I'm getting goosebumps as I grab the door handle slowly opening the door to find Butcher turned around looking asleep on his desk.

"Come in, Slater" His voice stern but, somewhat filled with compassion.

I sat the edited papers down on his desk.

"Here's all the edited Manga-scripts you wanted" I turn around heading towards the door. I can't wait to go back to my office and sleep till 10.

"Wait" His voice sent chills down my spine.

"Yes? Sir?" I added 'sir' to make sure I have his attention.

"See yourself in my office around 7" He turned around slowly in his chair until he was glaring at my face.

"Mr.Butcher it's 6-

"7:00 no exceptions".

Angry, confused, and hot-headed, I turn around and open the door and make my way back to my office. I don't have enough time to sleep. I'm so pissed. I want to sleep so bad because I think I'm catching a cold of some sort. I don't need a cold right now, not at this time.



I head out the door grabbing my laptop, bag, and phone and headed to Mr.Butcher's office. He probably has something to talk about towards the manga-scripts I edited and maybe might explain something about the congratulating earlier.

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