First Date

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The next day I got home from school and started getting ready for my "first date."  I straighted my hair and styled it, then applied a thick ring of black eyeliner. I went to my wardrobe to pick out my outfit, after a 20 minute debate in my head i settled on a 'the used' shirt, a pair of red skinny jeans, my classic chuck taylors and a plaid jacket with a hood. I shoved 2 cans of monster, my phone, and wallet in my bag and pulled my beanie on. I turned on my music, it was 5:20pm and the skate park was a good 30 minute walk away, and headed downstairs. 

"bye mom" i said hugging her. 

"you look rather dressed up today hunnie" she said, "where are you off to?"  Shit.

"oh im just going to meet drew" i said, it wasnt exactly a lie "im meeting his friend so i thought id dress nicely"

"aw thats nice." she turned back to doing the dishes, "i like drew, nice boy, polite, handsome too." 

"mom shut up"

"im only saying love. he'd be welcomed in this family under any circumstances" well i can only hope he wil become part of the family.

I walked out the door and headed to the skate park.

when i got there it was quite empty a few young kids probably between 10 and 12 were trying to do some tricks. i walked past one of them "if you pick up more speed it'll be easier" i smiled. in the back corner on the benches sat drew and  im guessing that must be Connor. i walked over to them and sat down. 

"hey jay this is my friend connor" drew smiled pushing connor towards me.

"its nice to meet you im jason" i smiled

i took a moment to take in his apperance. He was quite pale and had greeny blue eyes, his hair was a brown colour but had clearly been bleached before as his fringe was a much lighter blonde colour, his face was thin as was the rest of him. he was slightly more built than drew i could tell this despite the red hoodie he had on, he also wore simple black jeans and black vans. 

"i love your shirt" he smiled, "im connor drew's friend" 

i sensed a bit of awkwardness in the air so i opened my arms to hug him. he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. i breathed in his heavy scent.  His arms made me feel safe they were warm and we fitted together perfectly. i smiled. drew coughed making us pull away. "ill leave you two to it then" he winked walking off.

"so...  first we are going to starbucks." i laughed pulling him up off the bench i linked his hand in mine and we walked to the coffee shop across the road, it felt nice.

we got our drinks and sat in one of the small booths at the back. 

"so tell me about yourself" i smiled. 


I glanced at the clock, " Shit its 7:30 i best get going" i said standing up. Connor and I walked back to the skate park and exchanged numbers.

"i enjoyed this little date," connor smiled taking hold of my hands "i hope we can do this again some time soon"

"of course" i pulled him into a hug. we looked in to each others eye a hint of anxious feelings. connor leant in and tilted his head , i leant in and closed my eyes. i felt the warm soft feeling of his lips against mine. They moulded together and i felt like this moment was perfect. 

we pulled away and connor was grinning like a child thats just arrived at disney world, it really was adorable. " i really hope we can do this again soon." he said. 

when i go home i checked my phone.

*3 new messages* 

Emma- Hey! how'd your date go?. Drew told me he set up a date for you and some guy named connor. x

Drew- so how did it go? how was connor? did it go well?  tell me everything but nothing to explicit ;) 

unknown number- Hi jason its connor :) i had such a good time with you. Drew's already asking how it went do you want me to leave any bits out? <3 xxxxx

I text them back

To Emma and Drew - hey, everything went great, connors such a nice guy. we went for coffee and then just before we left we kissed. it was perfect.  x

To Connor- Hi. i had a good time too. you can tell him anything ive already told him he asked me to :) <3 xxxxx

Emma- what about Drew? x

me- i guess if he's setting me up with other people he's clearly not  interested, i may as well make the most with connor. x

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