Friends With Benefits

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Present Day

Aubrey sat by her hospital bed wishing he could take back the words that he had said to her during their fight nights before. This was her fourth night in the hospital, his fourth night of no sleep and still, she was unresponsive and unconscious. He picked her hand up and gently kissed her knuckles while admiring the diamond ring on her ring finger.

Three years ago.

Aubrey and Bianca laid naked in the bed from their encounter from the night before.  Their mutual agreement to keep things strictly at a friendship level and no strings attached had Bianca laying there wondering what things would be like if she hadn't agreed to this type of relationship with Aubrey.  The two had been best friends since they were in grade school while they both still lived in Toronto.  Everyone was aware that Aubrey and Bianca both had feelings for each other but the two were too oblivious and scared to ruin what they already had to take it any further.   Unable to lay in bed anymore, Bianca got up, put on one of Aubrey's oversized OVO shirts and made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After making her way through Aubrey's huge estate she finally reached the kitchen where OB, Jas, and Chubbs were scarfing down some food that their personal chef made.

"Well, it's nice to see you're finally awake sleepy head, rough night?" Jas asked.

"It looked like you were mauled by a fucking bear." OB laughed with his mouth full.

"Well hello, to you too you guys.  Is it this obvious that everyone knows what's going on between Aubrey and I?"

"Hello, girl. And uh, yeah you two aren't fooling anyone.  You may think you're good at hiding that shit but I can see right through you two.  Why won't you two just admit that you have feelings for each other?!" Jas Complained.

"You know I can't compete with her...Aubrey's head over heels for that woman and she knows that.  If we were to date it'd be a PR nightmare.  The public, the media, and their fans love them together.  Besides this is just a friend with benefits kinda thing like that movie with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, except no one, falls in love at the end there's no win-win, it's just meaningless sex, why can't you all get that through your heads?"

Bianca then picks up the huge plate of bacon and pours herself a glass of orange juice.  With her mouth full she then continues, "Look I love Aubrey I do, he's one of my best friends and I actually wouldn't mind dating him...but with the way, things are right now...I just don't want to ruin 20 years of friendship over one bad careless decision.  I'll be fine okay? Don't worry about me you're gonna get grey hairs."

Bianca then leaves the room, with a plateful of food, walking outside to the pool area with the baby husky Diamond following her.

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