Kevin's Heart

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After the dinner party Michael dropped Bianca off at her penthouse and walked her up to her suite. 

"Thank you for coming tonight it really made my mom's day." Michael thanked her.

"It's no problem really i think we both handled tonight really well considering this was our first event together since we've broken up..." Bianca fixed her hair and pulled it back behind her ear.

"Yes we family absolutely adored us together and the connections that you've made with them I can't take that away from you." Michael scratched the side of his beard.

"Thank you for everything... for tonight I honestly had fun and your mom is like apart of my family she's literally a sweetheart."

"You're welcome it's no problem. If you need anything just let me know you have my number social media and everything so just hit me up..." Michael sized up Bianca one last time before embracing her in a hug and kissing her cheek.

Bianca cleared her throat and let go of him before saying goodnight and closing the door.

Bianca leaned against the wall and tried to shake away any feelings that she had for that man and gained her composure.

She called out for Aubrey in hopes to shower him with love and endless sex and a night full of romance but the only sounds that she could hear was her own voice that echoed his name. The silence grew louder and Bianca took off her heels to search for Aubrey. She searched all of the rooms of the luxurious penthouse and Aubrey was no where to be found and didn't even leave a note telling her that he had left.

Bianca made her way to her bathroom and discarded her clothes and got ready for bed doing her nightly routine. Bianca changed into one of her favorite lingerie sets and put on a silk robe and put on soft music in hopes that Aubrey would return home. She waited and waited but sleep got the best of her.

The next day Aubrey didn't return home so she naturally was worried about her boyfriend.

She took out her cellphone and sent him texts trying to get him to respond back.

You didn't come in last night so I'm hoping you're okay I hadn't heard from you.
sent 10:30am
Are you okay? Aubrey answer the god damn phone.
sent 11:30am

Nigga answer the fucking phone I just want to know if you're okay 😔
sent 3:00pm

Aubrey continued to ignore her calls and text messages and Bianca finally gave up.


Aubrey finished smoking a blunt and watched a random broad get up after finishing up giving him head. Aubrey didn't go back home that night he had to reevaluate his decision of wanting to be in a relationship with Bianca. He flew into Toronto through his private jet and decided to stay at his penthouse while going incognito from the rest of the world.

Bianca continued to blow up his phone through text messages, phone calls, and missed FaceTime calls. Aubrey ignored them all.

"Is that your phone ringing again? Why don't you just answer it. That's the main bitch isn't it?"

"You know you look better with my fucking dick in your mouth and you're quiet." Aubrey read through the notifications on the notification bar of his iPhone.

"Are you an asshole to everyone you meet? I thought you of all people would've been the nicest people because of the sensitive ass music that you make. But boy I was fucking wrong. I should've known you're not the nicest person in the world when you threw your best friend out in the street and fired her when she needed you the most. You're a shitty person. I don't know how you live with yourself." The woman gathered up her clothes and started putting them on.

"You can get the fuck out of my house. You don't know me or what I've been through and for you to just make that assumption is completely narrow minded. I know I don't always treat Bianca well like I should and I don't even know why she's with me. She deserves better than me because every day I'm having to make up for what I did to her in the past. She's the most kind hearted person you'll ever meet. She's gentle and kind and loving, funny, smart, and bad as hell."

The woman stood there and listened and watched as Aubrey poured his heart and soul out to her.

Aubrey rubbed his face conflicted. "I'm sorry I was a dick to you. I'll make it up soon I promise. Get home safely."

The woman made sure she had everything before leaving his suite.

Aubrey dialed Bianca's phone and rubbed his face. She picked up after the fifth ring.

"Aubrey, I don't know what kind of sick fucking game you're playing now but it's got to stop. You had me worried sick about your ass and your friends didn't even know where you are..where are you?" Bianca rambled on.

"I-I know I'm sorry I just need some time to myself." Aubrey sighed. "I'm in Toronto I had to get away from it all...from everything. I'm stressed and I'm conflicted."

"Conflicted? Stressed? Why? Is there anything I can do I-i can fly out to Toronto tomorrow morning I'll have the pilot fly me out there in no t-"

"No, no don't come I just need this time to myself." Aubrey rubbed his eyes.

"Oh..." Bianca sounded disappointed.

"I don't deserve you Bee I've treated you terribly. You've been nothing but faithful and loyal to me all these years and I continue to just fuck shit up." Aubrey's voice started shaking.

"Aubrey what's going on? Please tell me you're okay you're scaring me."

"I-I cheated on you Bianca but I swear it was out of spite and I didn't mean it I-" Aubrey stumbled over his words.

Bianca couldn't believe what she was hearing and started fake laughing.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Nigga tell me you didn't just say what I thought you said..."

Aubrey remained quiet on the other side of the line.

"Nigga I said tell. Me." Bianca grit her teeth and balled her hand into a fist.

"I cheated." Aubrey mumbled.

"You What? You know what don't even bother returning home." Bianca tried not to cry on the line with him.

"Bianca please..." Aubrey started.

"Goodbye Aubrey. You can do whatever the fuck you want to do because as of now I'm single nigga. I hope you can live with yourself at night because it's gonna be a long night for you." Bianca hung up the phone and picked up picture frames of her and Aubrey and threw them across the room shattering each one of them.

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